┏°⌜ 067: Alcohol

Start from the beginning

The only ones in the room who weren't extremely drunk were Pixis, Neil, and Hitch. The rest is just a mess.

"A-min, tha is disgusting *hicks*, I zon't slep in a bed full of puke~"
Eren gave Armin a sharp look

The blonde puked again

"Okay that's enough!"
Mikasa raised her voice
"Y/n, we will take care of them... Would you please take care of Eren? And would it be ok if he could sleep in your room? This place is a mess and his bed... you know."
She smiled kindly

"O-oh sure!"
You nodded

As you pushed through the people who were sitting on the ground to walk to Eren, suddenly Jean grabbed your leg

"Ayyy prince-as, can I also sleep with uuu~?"
Jean smirked

Of course your answer was no, but in your head you thought about how to express that answer politely.
But before you could even answer, Eren stood up from his bed and was barely just able to keep his balance.

"AyYy Horzeface... keep ur dirty handz off 'er."
Eren's eyebrows furrowed

Jean turned around to face the brunette
"Watz ur problem dude?"

Before Eren could answer him you grabbed his wrist and put his arm around your shoulders so he could use you for support
"Let's go Eren."

Jean wanted to stand up and probably follow you, but Mikasa stopped him.

Eren staggered extremely, who knows how much he and the others had drunk.
And also, he stinks...
The smell of alcohol and vomit filled your nostrils.

Even though your room wasn't far from Eren's room, it felt like a trip around the world right now as he was so slow.

"Are u mad at *hicks* meh?"
Eren sounded a bit sensitive

"No, why should I?"
You smiled weakly

"I dunno, u just so quiet."

You giggled softly
"No i'm not. But you are drunk and-"

"Whaaa? Drunk? I'm not DrUnK!"
Jaeger sounded offended
"I'm perfectly fiiinneeee!"

"Mhm. Sure."

"OoOo... I know what it iz... u juz don't like how much I can take!"
The brunette spoke loudly

In the meantime you have finally arrived your room. With one hand you hold Eren, with the other you tried to open the door quickly
"Alright, we are here."

You sat Eren down on the edge of the bed.

"Zhank u~"
Eren smiled

You nodded and returned the smile
"No problem. Please... take off your jacket, it's dirty."

"OoOoOoh... I kno whatcha want~"
He smirked

You needed a moment to understand what he meant, but when it clicked your cheeks turned red
"Eren no..."

"Ahw..." He looked sad and disappointed

Strange thoughts went through your head. You were now curious.
"Would you... ehm... be interested in doing something like that with me?"

"Of course!"
Jaeger smiled like a child
"Afta all, u are my girlfriend!"

You were speechless for a moment and almost choked on your own spit
"I... I am not your girlfriend!"

After that sentence Eren was truly shocked
"Are u... break'n up with meh?"

Your cheeks turned extremely red
"We've never been a ...couple."

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