Hopeless Girl is Seeking

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💗: Stailey

"You bitch I swear you better do it right—"

"Oh okay, fine, I'll just drop it on her fucking head—"

"Guys," Luke sighed, "can you guys not argue for a minute?"

"He can't do anything right!" I argued, pointing my finger at Zander, who just stuck his tongue out. "How hard can it be to make Hailey come here and not get underneath the mistletoe himself." I cringed just imagining it. "Ew, Luke, honestly, I can't imagine how you kiss this thing. I don't wanna be traumatized on Christmas."

Luke laughed, and Zander took more offense to that than anything I said. "You guys are so rude, I don't want to help you." Lies, he won't fuck this up for the world. He wants us to get together already. In his own words, "you guys are the stupidest fucks I know, it's painful to watch you two pining" (as if Hailey didn't have to suffer through him and Luke's pining).

"Oh shush, you will. This is perfect. The mistletoe is hanged, and I will be standing right here waiting for you guys when you leave her somewhere over there," I pointed to a place near the lockers, "and then I wave at her and we'd be under the mistletoe! It's the perfect plan!"

Zander opened his mouth, and then closed it, simply shrugging. I half wondered if he had an evil plan to ruin everything.

"That is correct," Luke clapped his hands together, smiling brightly. Maybe everything *will* go right for once.

Time to put the plan into action. Operation Kiss Hailey shall be a success!

I stood away to the side of the mistletoe to avoid accidentally being stuck with someone else. Like can you imagine being forced to kiss Lia or something? I would rather kiss Zander, actually.

And my intuition was right, because there came Liam. Of course I fucking hung it right above his locker. The only thing worse than kissing Lia could be kissing my ex.

And... he doesn't leave.

It's not like I was watching him. I was too busy screaming internally and regretting my life choices. But it was hard to not notice him when Drew came to him and they started talking extremely loudly. And here I thought Drew didn't speak out much.

And I wouldn't have minded, really. I don't even care. But I do mind it when they just stay there, even when Zander has come around with Hailey. What the fuck is wrong with them? Can't they just leave? Do they have to stay there, in the entirety of the whole school they only found that fucking locker to stand in front of?

My internal panic was cut off by Hailey waving her hand in front of my face. "Hi there. You seem lost in thought."

"Oh, right, I'm fine." I mumbled, glaring at Drew and Liam one last time before paying attention to Hailey again. They'll probably leave soon. Probably.

"So are you coming to my house for Christmas? I never really got your reply."

I hadn't even seen it, actually. Grounded for something stupid again. "No, I'm going to visit my cousins abroad this winter."

"Oh that's great! The last time I saw my cousins was like, three years ago?"

Hailey continued rambling and I hung onto every word. I didn't even notice when the time passed until the bell suddenly rang, and I froze.

I snapped my head towards Drew and Liam, who just now separated like they had been kissing. Of course they had to be kissing. Of course they had to ruin it.

Hailey smiled and waved at me before leaving. It's over. My one chance to kiss her before I accept that she'll never be mine. It was a failure. And now I'm going abroad until January. I'd never wanted to punch my ex so fucking much.

"So? How'd it go?"

Stacy burst into tears, leaving Luke and Zander clueless as to what happened.

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