Thank You

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🧡 : Sailey


Said boy looked away from the window to see Hailey standing behind him. "Why are you still here?"

"I thought I'd help you," Hailey shrugged as she pulled a chair next to Sean and sat on it. "what are you thinking about?"

Sean looked out the window again, his hair moved back as a gust of wind came by, "Nothing."

Sean looked back at Hailey when she placed her hand on his shoulder, his eyes meeting hers, "You can tell me."

"It's just that..." Sean sighed as he broke eye contact to look out the window again, "I wish I wasn't expected to be perfect, like my brother. He's smart, athletic, popular, and I'm just... I'm just me."

Hailey turned Sean to look at her, he looked surprised by this sudden action, "Maybe you are just you, Sean. But you are beautiful. You are kind, caring, intelligent, understanding, you're always there for all of us—even Jake went to you first when he had a problem. Every one of us loves you and cares for you."

"I love each and every one of you guys, too," Sean smiled softly at her, "but sometimes... I just wish I was a bird, you know. I would have the freedom to go anywhere I want, no one expecting anything from me."

"They also have problems you know," Hailey said firmly, "they have to make a nest for their children, they need to get them food, and if they get stuck in a net, there's no way out. That's it for them. But Sean, people think that they don't have problems because they are strong. They can get through it, keep going, and spread their wings. They're strong—and so are you."

Sean smiled at her, pulling her into a hug. She hugged back, surprised but not complaining about the sudden affection.



"Thank you."

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