Ride Or Die

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💔💛: Lander

"Something's wrong."

Reasonably, Zander panicked, sitting up in his bed to look at Luke standing near the door. "Nothing's wrong."

"There is." Luke frowned. "You and I both know there's something we need to talk about."

Zander thought—Zander hoped—he hadn't been too obvious. "I don't know what you're talking about."

A part of him felt bad about lying to Luke. Luke was the one person he'd never lied to. The one person he couldn't bear lying to.

Luke didn't respond. He sat down beside Zander and took Zander's hand in his own, squeezing reassuringly and not saying anything at all. Zander hung his head, unable to look up at him.

He ripped off the bandage. "I think we should break up."

He looked up at Luke and instantly regretted it. Never would he have thought he'd be the reason behind the worst sight in the world.

Luke looked heartbroken, his grip only slightly loosening on Zander's hand. Yet he still smiled, sadly. "We really should, shouldn't we?"

"I'm sorry." Zander blurted out the first thing he could think of.

Luke shook his head, his hand patting Zander's back. "Not your fault, Zan."

But it is. How could I look at another man this way, when you were the one always there for me?

"I'm the one breaking up with you and you're still the one comforting me."

Luke's smile was wobbly, his eyes glassy, and Zander took Luke in his arms immediately.

He wants to say it's okay. He's okay, that it'll always be okay. But he can't promise that. All he can promise is— "I'll be there for you forever, okay? Even if we aren't like this. I'm not losing you for the world."

Luke held his waist tighter, his body relaxing. Zander wondered if that's what Luke was worried about. That they won't be the same anymore.

"It's Jake, isn't it?"


"No, it's okay," Luke pulled away enough to look at him, "is it him?"

Zander nodded, biting his lip nervously. Luke patted his back again, and this time when he smiled, it was more genuine.

"Remember that time you had a crush on Sean in middle school?" Zander flushed from embarrassment, pushing Luke away playfully. "If nothing is going to change, you better come to me and rant about Jake." Luke put up his finger, silencing Zander before he could actually speak. "It is my obligation as your best friend to gossip about dumb crushes with you. Can we code name him Peach?" Zander pushed him again but this time, they were both laughing.

Zander shouldn't have worried at all. This is his best friend, his ride-or-die. He would never let him go.

delicate • a collection of the music freaks oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora