Birthday Morning

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💗 : Jander

Sunlight crept through the window, the curtains Zander forgot to close swaying in the light breeze, a pleasant weather outside.

Zander, however, still didn't feel like getting up.

He groaned at the sound of his alarm, turning it off instantly. He turned around to cuddle his boyfriend, but was met with something much softer.

He reluctantly opened his eyes, pushing his yellow pillow away when he realized what it was. He turned in his bed with a pout. His boyfriend just had to have this habit of making Zander cuddle a damn pillow when he was away.

Zander turned back and cuddled the pillow anyway, until someone literally jumped on him. Zander knew who it was without even looking.

"Good morning, Zandy!" the cheerful voice chirped and Zander was hardly able to suppress a smile, opening his eyes to meet the hazel ones.

"Jake, I want to sleep a bit longer today at least."

"I know, I know"—Jake waved his hand dismissively—"but Zander, it's your birthday! Get up!" Jake dragged out the p, whining as he shook Zander.

Jake pouted when Zander didn't give in, wanting his boyfriend's attention. He then smirked, leaning a bit lower so that their lips were inches apart.

"Zandy, I have a gift for you~"

Zander opened his eyes a little bit. "What—"

The plump pink lips attached to Zander's chapped ones. Zander applied pressure back, pulling Jake down a little more, closer. It was a sweet kiss, lasting just long enough.

Jake pulled away, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "That. That was my gift."

Zander immediately grabbed the yellow pillow to cover his flushed face. Jake laughed at the action, finding it all too endearing. Zander peaked from behind the pillow at hearing the lovely sound.

"You do this every year," Zander mumbled, "yet somehow it gets cuter every year."

Jake smiled fondly. He glanced at the time. It was still quite early, and they didn't have anything special until 3 PM anyway, so he just pulled away the pillow from Zander, laying back beside him.

Jake hugged Zander tightly, nuzzling his neck. Zander played with Jake's hair, knowing that it always calmed him down. A cool wind came in the window, blowing Jake's hair back.

"I love you so much," Jake mumbled, almost drifting to sleep already. A small smile subconsciously made its way to his mouth when he felt a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you too, my love."

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