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TW: Suicide

Zander took a deep breath before opening the door to his house.

As he stepped in, he realized the house was... quiet. Everything is so silent. He frowned, looking around himself.


He heard some shuffling in the kitchen. Shannon walked out of the kitchen, her phone in her hand.

"Alex, you're back."

"I can see that," Zander sassed back, "where is Hailey?"

"I don't know," Shannon replied, putting aside her phone on a desk, "I think she's in her room, she hasn't came out in a while..."

Zander couldn't reply. He just let out a quiet "oh".

Shannon smiled. "Do you want to eat anything?"

Zander shook his head. "No, I— I just want to talk to Hailey."

"Alright sweetie."

The conversation ended there as Shannon grabbed her phone again, walking back into the kitchen. Zander went up to his own room to change. Today had not been a good day without Hailey. She had stayed back, saying that she isn't feeling well. Zander changed into a comfortable blue hoodie and white sweatpants.

He thought about going down for dinner, but he decided to check on Hailey first. She must be lonely.

He walked out of his room, closing the door behind him. He took a turn and faced Hailey's room's door.

"Hailey?" He called out.

No response.

"Uh, Hails?" He tried again. "Sis?"

There was still no response.

He sighed, shaking his head. She must be asleep. But he had a weird feeling in his gut... and it didn't feel good.

It's okay, he thought, just checking won't hurt.

He put his hand on the handle, hesitating when the feeling didn't go away. But he sighed, he needed to get it over and done with. He gently opened the door.


Silence. The sight horrified him, pure terror and devastation coursing through him, so deep it made him lose his balance, falling to the floor.

There was Hailey. Hanging on the fan. All color gone from her eyes. There was a chair kicked onto the floor, which Hailey had probably kicked away. There was blood on her fingers and neck.

The air seemed to vanish suddenly. Or maybe it was just refusing to go down Zander's throat, because he found himself choking. He had the sudden urge to vomit, but it vanished as suddenly as it came.

His thoughts swirled like an unpleasant storm. Why? Why did she do this? Did he do anything wrong? Why couldn't she trust him—why didn't she tell him about her problems?

He couldn't stand it. He stood up, stumbling a little, and walked out immediately, bursting into tears. No, Hailey...


Zander looked down to see his innocent little sister, Bethany, looking at him with concern.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her eyes wide in worry for her brother, so precious and innocent.

"I..." Zander went on his knees, holding Bethany's small hand. He looked at her, sadness, regret, and shock evident on his face.

"Call mom. Hailey is... not here anymore."

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