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🧡: Driamenry

Drew watched Henry and Liam wave at Jake, not having the energy to say something himself. He knew he shouldn't be sad because of this, but a small part of him ached at the thought of Jake leaving.

"Well then," Henry said when Jake disappeared from sight, "we should go grab something to eat!"

Drew nodded curtly. "Sure." But he seemingly changed his mind. "Actually"—he took a step towards the door—"I'll just go make sure Jake is alright—"

But Liam was faster. He stood in front of the door before Drew could open it. "I think Jake will be fine on his own," he said casually, ignoring the annoyed huff from Drew.

"But I can just check on him—"

That was it. Liam was so done with Drew's antics. He needed to tell him, make him understand. "No, Drew." He slapped Drew's hand away from the door handle. "Jake is fine. Please don't get jealous. He has other friends, Drew. We're not children anymore. He has other friends, and we need to accept that. Jake is still hanging out with us. Still wanting us around. Just because he has more friends doesn't mean we're anything less to him. He spent the whole morning with us. And now he wants to spend the rest of Christmas Eve with his other friends. Shouldn't we support him, as friends are supposed to? He has his own life. He doesn't owe you anything."

Drew and Henry stared at him in shock, not expecting him to go wise all of a sudden.

Liam became hesitant. "Sorry, did I say too much? I'm rambling aren't I—"

"No, Liam," Drew said, sounding so tired and sad, "you're right. I should've realized this long ago."

Drew sighed, walking away from the door and onto the couch. Henry and Liam watched him go, frowning at their friend being upset. They looked at each other before Henry grabbed Liam's arm, dragging him near Drew.

Henry sat on Drew's right side and Liam on the other. "Come on Drew, don't be all down in the dumps on Christmas Eve!" Henry snatched the TV remote control from Liam, switching the channels until a music channel came on, a perfect Christmas song playing.

I don't want a lot for Christmas.

Henry stood up, opening his arms and singing along, "There is just one thing I need."

Liam joined in, "I don't care about the presents, underneath the Christmas tree."

"I just want you for my own," Henry continued.

Liam stood up. "More than you can ever know."

They both looked at Drew. "Make my wish come true..."

"All I want for Christmas," Drew mumbled, "is, you..."

Drew felt a tug on his arm, and he was pulled into a standing position. Henry sang loudly and Liam danced around without a care in the world. Drew felt a laugh escaping his lips, surprised at being twirled around by the taller boy.

At that moment, Drew realized something. Realized all the truth in Liam's words. Of course, he still had Jake, out of sheer, dumb luck, he still had him. But one day he might not have him, and he needs to learn to be on his own.

He knew he needed to work on himself. Get rid of his insecurities and love himself before anyone else. That's what matters the most. Self-love.

But right now, he had his two best friends by his side, and right now he just wants to enjoy their company.

He let out a content sigh. I'll think about it later.

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