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"Long day huh?"


"Your dad's just doing his best," mum said.

"I know. I know I'm being horrible but right now I can't help it,"

"Alright. You've gotta be nice to your grandparents tomorrow though,"

"I'll try,"

She laughed and cuddled me, gently rubbing my back as I got comfy. I had wanted her to come today, but she wasn't awake and dad said we couldn't wake her.

"What are they gonna do with me the rest of the week then? I bet dad told you it all, no one told me,"

"You're gonna go in for a few more drips like today, that's all," she said.

"But dad's not taking me?"

"I'm afraid not sweetheart, but it's at lunchtime so someone can visit,"

"Well what about my lunchtime?"

"That's a very good point,"

"Can you pack me one?"

"I'll make you a lunch every morning, for as long as you live here. How about that?"

"That's kind,"

"I make your dad lunch sometimes,"

"He's living a life of luxury, I think having a helping hand makes him happy,"

"I'm more than a helping hand,"

"I didn't mean it like that. I just meant... he's always made my lunch, and hugged me better, and now he has someone that can make his lunch and hug him better. And he does it for you,"

"Yeah. I guess that is nice,"

"Are you gonna marry him?"

"I'm not having this conversation,"


"I love your dad, a lot. That's all you need to know,"


"And I love you too,"

"I love you,"

"Would you like a movie on while I go and start cooking?"

"Imma call Maddox,"

"Okay sweetheart. Call me if you need anything,"

I laid down when she stood, and pulled out my almost dying phone, facetiming Mads. As usual, she answered quickly, and gave me a smile.

"Hey you. I haven't heard from you!"

"I was in hospital all day. It's kinda hard to text, I'm sorry,"

"It's okay. Why were you in hospital?"

"For tests. I have to go in loads for stupid drips cos my body's just stupid. It's all stupid,"

"You better send me every appointment time, I will come if I can, and you want me there,"

"It's all stupid,"

"I know... it seems like that. But you've gotta be strong so we can do lots of fun things together,"

"I'm gonna stop going to uni this year and start again next year. I can't do it,"

"That's okay,"

"Please don't be mad,"

"Why would I be mad? You need to do what you need to do to feel better, and what you do with your life isn't up to me,"

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