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"Just me and you then," Michael said, chucking his work bag on the floor, "I presume its pizza and a movie?"

"Yes please,"

"Get picking one,"

I sat down on the sofa while he ordered the food, flicking through movies to find one. I hadn't exhausted the list for a while, so there was plenty of choice.

He sat down beside me and put his phone on his lap, then let me rest in his side as the movie came on.

"Life sucks,"

"It feels that way sometimes huh?" he said, "Wanna talk about it?"

"No. I wanna watch the movie,"

Quietly, he laughed, then wrapped his arm round me and put his feet up. It took a while for the food to arrive, but once it did we sat with it all on our laps, turning the tv up.

I felt okay for a bit with the movie and food combo keeping me distracted, but it was true that life sucked. Not here. Michael's home was welcoming, and warm, and he was the best host for anything I wanted to do. But everywhere else other than here and my dad's arms sucked.

"It just sucks,"

He looked at me, then paused the film and shuffled back, sitting cross legged to face me.

"Let it all out,"

"You know what's wrong,"

"I don't care if you wanna say it all again,"

"I'm just stressed and sad,"

"What's making you stressed?"


"I'm sorry you're really stressed darling, we will definitely do some fun things together to help out,"

"And I don't wanna go to the doctors on Wednesday,"

"I know, but I am sure all is well, and it's important that you go. It's really important if you're sick, but it's just as important for them to make sure everything's okay,"

"I know," I shot, "I am still scared,"

"It's okay to feel nervous. What's the appointment for?"

"I dunno,"

"Then it's probably nothing to worry about. I don't blame you for being so upset after the last few months, though,"

"I'm really scared,"

"Have you told your dad? And Calum?"

"Nothing would change, I still have to go,"

"What time is it?"

"Like 3,"

"If my schedule is free then I will do my best to come, how about that?"

"Absolutely not,"


"You just don't get how it feels going back to the hospital for an appointment after everything,"

"I don't... I know. I'm so sorry you feel anxious, let me know how it goes, okay? I'll always just be your uncle,"

"I feel really stupid telling mum and dad I am scared because I have been fine my whole life. I was braver when I was 8,"

"Oh trust me, you could put up a fight if you wanted when you were younger, but it doesn't matter how old you are... they're not going to think you're stupid,"

"Can you just text them later about it?"

"I think this should be something you tell them,"

"I'm 18, I could just cancel my appointment,"

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