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"Ice cream for you,"

"Where's yours?"

"I ordered a waffle,"

"What? You get a waffle and I get a cone with two scoops?"

"Well the waffle is to share because it's too much for me to finish,"


"So you really feel fine? Like not sick or anything?"

"Yep. I am tired,"

"Early night tonight," he said, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"My hair is fine. It has been fine all afternoon,"


"Stop freaking out,"

"I'm not freaking out,"

"You thought I was gonna get sick,"

"Maybe I did, so what?"

"I dunno. I'm just fine," I mumbled, "Stop fussing,"

"I have every right to worry about you... why are you mad I was worried?"

"I'm not mad at that,"

"What are you mad at then? Me?"

He smirked, but it dropped when I was silent, just licking my ice cream.

"You're mad at me?"


"I'm confused,"

"It's nothing. Is Maddox still allowed over?"

"Of course she is, if she's ready once we have finished we can pick her up,"

"Thank you,"

"I'm sorry if I was too fussy, I know you're grown up, I just, I got scared. I'm your dad,"

"It's fine,"

"Is it something else?"

"Can we just talk about it tomorrow at home, all of us?"

"Yeah, okay. As long as you're okay,"

I shrugged and he frowned, not even acknowledging the waitress who brought his waffle.

"Gabriella, all I want is for you to be okay,"

"Well I'm not okay right now and that's not gonna change with a crappy conversation over ice cream and waffles,"

He twisted his lips and asked if he could actually have the waffle to go, folding the box with some force. Jangling his car keys, he stood and beckoned me to follow, making us get back in the car.

While we drove home, he turned the radio on, and kept the car cool so my ice cream didn't melt. I didn't like how the roads home were different now, and even though we had just moved neighbourhoods, I felt like an imposter in the city I'd always called home.

"We can get Maddox once we've sat inside and spoken about everything,"


"Yes. You did not sleep last night, you have cried all day, you will be talking to me because I care, and because if it is impacting your health then I have to prod. I know you hate a prod but I have to prod,"

"I am fine," I said, my voice cracking at the end, "Just fine,"

"Come inside,"

"I wanna get Maddox,"


I got out the car and slammed the door shut, following him inside.

"You're nervous to tell me something, stop being angry,"

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