Surprised by his sudden call, Taehyung quickly wipes his eyes, he receives the call, clearing his throat he greets Yoongi. 

He hears the irritated response from Yoongi. “What did you do this time Taehyung?” Yoongi asks enquiring him.

“What did I do?” Taehyung asks back narrowing his eyes. 

Yoongi seems to speak slowly and informs him “Jeongguk Jeon was here, he left after talking with Hoseok that this witch is not telling me about. They checked our lab. I have my theory that he knows about everything.”

Taehyung halts hearing it, he sees the building of his dorm in front and feels his heartbeat quicken. Jeongguk was somewhere near, his heart could tell. He contemplates what to do next when Yoongi speaks up, “I told you it is too risky but you and Hoseok didn’t listen to me. Now he has closed his lab for an unknown amount of time. Do you think he is pressurized to do so?”

Taehyung’s grip tightens on the phone “Tell Hoseok hyung I am sorry to be a bother. I will do everything I can to return the favor he has done to me.”

Yoongi was surprised to hear it. He didn’t want the favor in return, he was just feeling uneasy. He sighs. “All I could say is, you should be careful. He is an intimidating person. I don’t know how Hoseok was able to smile seeing him.”

“This day was ought to come. I just didn’t expect it to be so quick.” Yoongi felt dread hearing Taehyung’s serious tone. 

“Is everything okay with you? You are at home right?” He enquires again.

Taehyung avoids answering the first question, “Thanks for warning me hyung. I will go back to my house after collecting some things from my dorm. Goodbye.” He hears a sharp inhale and quickly disconnects the phone not wanting to be scolded at the moment. 

He walks quickly towards the building. His mind was telling him to stop and run away but his heart pulling towards the building. He reaches the stairs when his mother calls him. They were all on time as if warning him to think again before taking action.

Taehyung chews on his lower lip and tries to delay but his mother keeps calling him. Defeated, he picks up the phone, she too was sounding tired and anxious. “Where are you?”

She asks quickly, Taehyung rubs his nape and answers truthfully “Dorm.”

Her voice becomes loud hearing this and she inhales deeply “What are you doing there? You are freaking me out? Were not you told to stay at home?” There was something said behind to which she responded “I know what I am doing.” 

Taehyung sighs in irritation. He was not a kid. Hiding things from him and feeling they could save him this way was them being childish. “How do you expect me to stay locked up?” 

She softens her voice hearing this. “Mom apologizes for that but it was the only way to keep you safe, please come back or I am sending someone to pick you up. You don’t know what is happening here.” Taehyung could hear her cursing silently then hears her trembling voice.

“Have you eaten? You were not in your dorm the previous night…” She starts asking and getting worried. Taehyung closes his eyes hearing her worried tone. Only a mother can sense when her child is in danger. He wanted to tell her but stops thinking she will know it eventually.

Taehyung could run away and hide or go back home but whatever he does his family has to get the backlash. He has caused trouble for them because of his nature. 

Enigma of Darkness//VkookWhere stories live. Discover now