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Start from the beginning

"Fuck you!" She slapped the mask away, making it fly in the air. Just as she did Ethan lunged forward slicing her shoulder.

The three laughed, enjoying the whimper that left Sam's mouth. Tara was quick to cover her sister, holding her as she screamed at the group of killers.

"You stay the fuck away from her!"

Bailey laughed, holding his chest. "Oh, come on" he mumbled through laughter.

"What is this?" Sam asked, helping Sadie to her feet. "You did this as a family?" Sam asked, carrying on to hold her shoulder.

Saying family ticked something within the group, Quinn jumped forward.

"Oh yeah bitch you should know better than anyone" the girl grazed her knife into Sadie shoulder.

"There still not getting it?" Ethan pointed out there confused faces. Sadie was yet to catch up, still in her blood lust haze, heart thumping for the idea of killing Quinn.

"I'm not part of there family!" Sadie point out, Quinn shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know what you believe but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro, it wasn't me!" Sam screamed. Whoever had made the original Reddit post that Sam was the mastermind had caused a lot of shit.

"Oh, we know that, of course you didn't. What do you think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory?" Bailey argued back. Nothing still nothing stuck within the girls, no clue as to why theyre the victims.

"Come on. Who do you think started the rumours about you In the first place?" Quinn threw her hand up, waving her fingers as a chilling giggled left her lips.

"Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam the hero of Woodsboro into the villain. How easy it is to convince the world to believe the worse in people, Rather than the best?" Quinn asked, spitting as she spoke, hand shaking with anger; the knife grazing the corner of Sadie's face, desire in her eyes at the way Sadie didn't flinch, nor differ in anyway.

"Its not enough to kill anyone these days, you have to assassinate their character first. So when dad here discovers your horribly mutilated bodies, with Sam wearing her fathers mask? He'll pay some bastered on the Internet to say your the real ghostface. And took matters into her own deluded hands." As he spoke, Quinn had taunted the knife into Sadie's skin. Tara gasped seeing the new trickle of blood leave Sadie's body.

"Exactly that's why that's the perfect alibi. And all the best lies are based on the truth, your a killer." He pointed towards Sam, singling her out. "Just like your father."

"No in not!" Sam screamed, shaking he'd head admittedly.

"Yes you are!" Quinn screamed back, her retracting her knife from Sadie. "You mother fucker killed our brother"

Sadie pulled away, staring eyes wide at Quinn, then Ethan. They were Richies familes, of course they were.

"What are you talking about?" Sam looked around desperate to know what Quin was implying. Sadie groaned, rolling her eyes.

"You said your brother died in a car accident?" Tara whimpered, remembering the conversation she had with quinn.

"No, no, no. He died in woodsboro." Ethan assured them, his knife never leaving his grasp. "At the hands of your bitch sister."

"Richie! Sam, you killed Richie!" Sadie shouted for herself, Tara flinched at the sudden sound. Sam looked at Sadie, her eyes slowly realising everything.

"Your Richies families?" Sam asked, seeing how all of their eyes teared up at the sound of his name.
Bailey nodded.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Ethan stabbed Sam's shoulder, laughing as he did so. Tara grabbed ahold of Sadie and Sam and ripped the two from the killers.

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