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"You okay?" Sam asked Tara, seeing how yesterday she was just a victim and today she joined the murderer club.

"No." They all nod, knowing that none of them were okay, but it was okay because they all had each other; they all shared the same feeling, a constant reminder that their life's will never be the same.

The carpenter sisters sit down on the stairs, Sadie quickly wiped her knife, tucking it into her pocket once again. The girl was quick to rush off towards her dad's shrine, breaking the glass and gathering everything that was in there.

"These are awesome!" She smiled looking over to Tara who was whispering something to Sam. Tara quickly turned her attention towards Sadie, smiling at the girl; seeing how Sadie practically bounced with excitement of having a memory of her father.

"Were going to get through this together, right Sades?" Tara shouted towards the girl. Sadie bobbed her head up, looking at the girls in question.

"Absolutely, core four!" She found herself cringing at her words, groaning at the way the sentance rolled off her tongue. Shaking off the disguising taste that lingered in her mouth, she smiled over at Tara and Sam.

Suddenly, Ethan got up off the floor; blood gargling out of his mouth, screaming as he charged at the girls. At the sudden noise Sadie jumped, her head slamming into the TV that killed Stu macher, ultimately killing Ethan too.

Kirby gasped at the sudden bang, carefully limping over towards the girl.

"Oh my god! I can't stop killing people" Sadie cried, watching as Ethans body jolted, shuttered and then froze.

"Well it's worked in our favour so far" Kirby smiled, helping Sadie up.

"I never doubted you, Kirbs." Sadie smiled, her head once again going loopy due to the lack of blood flowing to her brain; and the bump she just had. The police came barging in, Sadie instantly going tense.

Danny rushing through the crowed, pushing a police office over so he could get to Sam.

"Come on, Hero, let's go" Kirby nudged the girl, helping Sadie limp out of the theater. Tara soon joining them in helping Sadie to get medical help.

"You can't arrest me right?" Sadie asked, nibbling on her bottom lip as she glanced at Kirby.

"Why would I arrest you? Everything you done tonight was in order to survive" Kirby asked, Tara glanced at Sadie desperately hoping she wouldn't say anything else.

"Because I stole?" Sadie slurred, a paramedic quickly assisting her and walking her of to a van.

"Three times!" Sadie then added, allowing the women to nudge her into the van.

"I think I'm dying" Sadie mumbled towards anyone who would listen. Tara and Kirby shot each other a look, turning back to look at Sadie.

"Your a legacy character, Sadie. You can't die." Kirby assured, Sadie smiled, putting her thumbs up. Before she knew it Mindy came pummelling towards the van, forcing Sadie into a tight embrace.

"Mindy!" Sadie squealed with excitement, her words came out muffled; she had an oxygen mask around her face, wires attached to the machine's.

"Who was the killers?" Mindy asked, Sadie's eyes went wide.

"you were right! It was Quinn and Ethan, I told them- Listen to Mindy she knows what she's doing- but no. They thought it was Kirby? My Kirby mind." Sadie ranted. Mindy watched in amusement, fully aware that the girl had just taken multiple different types of pain pills and was hooked up to a drip.

"Cassie?" Sadie's voice died, her eyes shutting ever so slightly. Mindy sighed, her head shaking.

"I'm sorry, Sades." Mindy mumbled, Sadie bit down her sob.

"I killed them, so i got my revenge." Sadie mumbled, her eyes shutting again. Mindy laughed, thinking she was joking.

"She's not joking." Tara accompanied Mindy, Mindy laughed increased, smiling at the girl.

"This girl infront of me is capable of murder?" Mindy scoffed; not believing anything Tara was saying.

"Oh yeah, very much so." Tara laced her hands with Sadies, smiling at the girl. Sadie's smile falters seeing Tara in a cast, her finger gently brushed over the material.

"Your mom's fine, by the way." Mindy then added, "they couldn't keep me in the hospital" Mindy smiled, Sadie nodded her head; lolling it back to lean on Tara's shoulder.

"Hey, Sam! I'm going to go with Sadie to the hospital, meet you there?" Tara shouted for her sister, the older girl nodded; smiling at her sister and Sadie.

The van door shut, driving away to the hospital.

The wind changed, the atmosphere changed, everything did. Sadie still had this gut feeling, like everything wasn't over, that she'd never be at peace again.

The air still tasted salty, still brushing against the ambulance as it rushed down the streets. The knife that now rested in the bottom of Sadie's bag, along side the cloak that once belonged to Amber.


Sadie laid on her hospital bed, wires placed in her body and through her nose. Flash backs of how Amber attacked her were clear in her mind, making her skin crawl.

Tara had left to check on Gale for Sadie, Sam was talking with Danny. Mindy had rang Chad, leaving Sadie all alone. She glanced around her room, a boring sit-com playing in the background; she ignored the numbing voices.

Her phone began to ring beside her, loud echoing through the room. She looked over, her heart racing and paranoia seeping through her blood. She carefully etched her fingers towards the phone, seeing an unknown caller.

"Hello?" Her tone was still in a whisper, almost a whimper leaving her lips. The other line was dead, not even breathing on the other side. Just silence, the nawing nothingness that rang through Sadie's ears causing the girl to crumble under the pressure of it all.

"Hello, Sadie."

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