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Cassie and Sadie always attended parties, every weekend. The two actually did a lot together; working, studying, rants, everything.

The steam in the room was daunting, the mist of the air was mouth drying. Sadie moved towards the bench area, heaving as she slouched down. Her hand gently wiped away the sweat that built up on her forehead, her chest still aching for air. Cassie laughed at the girls breatheless state, giggling as she threw a towel Sadie's way. The towel slid down the girls front, she groaned and rolled the towel around her neck, leaving it to dangle.

"Hey, you okay?" Cassie asked, her water bottle just about leaving her mouth. A trace of water lathered her bottom lip, a wide smile laced across the plush pillows. Sadie smirked, rolling her shoulders satisfied with the joints clicking.

"Yeah- uh—yes, I'm great." Sadie brushed off the nauseating feeling. Her and Sadie had gone drinking, heavy drinking. So, like what they always did, they came to the gym the next day. Sadie actually liked the gym, well liked the faint outline of muscle that built on her toned stomach, she wasn't embarrassed to show off her tattoo's anymore. A spider on the side of her rib drawn onto her side, a heart belly. It was to covering the scars, the disgusting remembrance of Amber and her knife.

"Come on, Sadie." Cassie pulled on the girls arm, leading her towards the changing rooms. The girls went there separate ways, taking off their clothes, changing them into a fresh pair of day-to-day clothes.

A faint sound of water came into Cassie's ear shot, her room right next to the showers. Cassie hummed to herself, wiping down her body.

The door behind her creaked open, sliding back and forth. Cassie flinched at the sound turning around seeing nothing, absolutely nothing. She shrugged off the fear, shaking it away as a new song came blasting through her earphone.

"Cassie" a deep voice whispered against her neck, brushing the baby hairs into a frenzy. She shuttered, her back arching and her hands slamming forward. She tried to fight back, objecting to the knife that was held within the person's hand.

"Fuck!" She screamed when the person slammed their hand against hers, the now brittle bones cracking under the pressure. It blossomed a deep red, glowing almost.

"Sadie!" The girl screamed, the man still holding the knife taunting it against her throat. Her eyes widened at the sudden touch, her eyes shaken. She was about to die. Her chest heaved, she didnt want to die, she had so much she wanted to achieve before death.

The knife twitched in the person's hand, shaking from the thought of seeing the girl die, her blood drench out of her own body, her eyes becoming soulless. Cassie was strong, stronger than she looked. She pushed back, slamming the person's back into the clothing rack, lines of brusied laced under their black cloak, tears pricking in their eyes at the sudden pain.

Cassie took off, sprinting away from the closed room. Quickly she turned around and saw Sadie's open door. She huffed in a sob, slamming her body by accident into the wall next to her, her arm already glowing a bright red.

The masked person was soon on her trail, running after the banshee like girl. Bloody murder was screamed through out the gym, red painted the walls. Body's lined the halls; dead.

"Holy shit." The ginger girl cursed out, Cassie turned around seeing the blacked clothed person stalking forward, bloodied knife in hand. Seeing how they finally caught Cassie'a attention, they dragged their knife across the brick wall; hearing the scraping sound that made them cringe. The person still carried forward, acting like an 80's horror movie character as there heavy footsteps tapped forward, reaching Cassie as she shook with fear.

Cassie was stuck, wall to wall. She couldn't move, alone to die was her reality. Blood was everywhere; wall, celling, floor. It smelled like fresh blood, the iron like scent curdling Cassie's stomach.

The person walked slowly, haunting the girls last minutes. Then they stopped, drawing their knife infront of them; sliding their index and thumb across the blade, blood leaking into the gloves and staining their finger. With a tilt of their head Cassie whimpered. Callously flicking the blood away from their knife and pointing it towards Cassie.

Leaning further into the wall, sinking as far as she could. Every scene she had just witnessed flashing through her mind. She sobbed, dround on her own tears.

"Why are you doing this?" She screamed, her hands covering her face in a moment of weakness. The person stopped, putting two fingers—the middle and index—under Cassie's chin. Slightly rubbing blood there, Cassie whimpered at the wet feeling that suddenly brushed on her skin.

A deep voice rang through her ears, the same they used in the stab movies.

"Revenge." The person mindlessly mumbled, too focused on the thought of watching Cassie before them; the way she whimpered to the touch, tears stained her face. The person under the masked had dreamed of the day they'd finally snap, turn to the mask and kill people. It was inevitable, they needed the taste of blood on their hand to sustain them.

"Revenge?" Cassie whined, confused to why and what she had done. The person groaned, straining out their neck until it clicked.

"Some people deserve to die. Maybe not you, but I got bored" the person grazed the knife under her chin, seeing how it dented into the skin. Their eyes flashed wide, smiling devilishly. They needed to press forward, they needed to see Cassie bleed. They needed something.

"Bored? You kill because your bored" Cassie almost mocked them, scanning for any change in body language. The person stopped, thinking for a moment.

"Some people murder for much less, Fame, Desire, happiness—love. don't really need a reason" the person grumbled out, stretching their fingers around the knife and peiricing the girls throat.

She gasped, strucken from the pain that stung through her neck. She seethed, sucking down her sob. The person dropped to their knees, repeatedly stabbing the person underneath them.

Cassie was nearly dead, one last hit would do. But before the person could do so the weak girl reached up and whipped the mask off.

A gasped escaped their mouth, seeing someone they cared for, some they trusted. Tears pricked into her eyes, hurt flushed her face.


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