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The three manged to drag the girl out of the hospital. They left along side Dewey, Sadie wouldn't- couldn't leave his side. Not yet atleast, she needed to be near him for a little while.

Stumbling out of the hospital there was reporters everywhere, only one caught the eyes of Sadie.

"Mom?" She sobbed out, falling into the embrace of her mom's, Gale wore a smile that faltered within seconds seeing the state of her daughter.

Gale could only hope that the blood Sadie was drenched in wasn't hers, but then seeing the body bag and no Dewey in sight made her wrap her arms around Sadie and hold her.

"Its okay baby" Gale had to be strong for her daughter, she needed to be mother instead of someone who just lost their bestfriend Soulmate- her person all in one.

"Its okay" she soothed her daughters hair, in an attempts of comfort. Gale wasn't the best mother, she knew that. She wasn't warm all the time, she wasn't comforting, she didn't have this need to chose her family over everything but every single one of those selfish decisions she had made in a haste was eating her alive. Dewey did most of the parenting, Gale just bought Sadie things in hopes that would be enough. Gale and Sadie never had food fights, they always ate their food in peace. Gale wouldn't dare to go into Sadies room to help her sleep, Gale didn't know about Sadies plan of her future.

"I-is this your blood, ma'am?" A deputy asked, her voice shaken obviously aware of the relation Sadie had with the latest victim.

"Yeah, I got stabbed- again.. and- my- my, my-
My leg" she could bearly speak, her word came out in croaks. Gale directed her daughter into the nearest paramedic van. Making her get checked up on. Considering the girls abilty to walk, the way she fought back made them deam her fit enough to leave.

They patched up her cut on her thigh, and side. Cleaning around the faint slices on her cheeks before sending her away. However, before leaving they made her shower, there was glass and blood everywhere on her body. 

She insisted on staying with Tara. Gale allowed her that, the two waited in the hospital waiting room. Sadie's head resting on Gale's lap.

"I'm sorry" a broken voice interrupted their moment together. The two girls turned towards the sound, seeing Sam was a nervous expression.

"I didn't know him well, but he helped me." Sam explained to Gale, not daring to look Sadie in the eyes. Sadie told her not to bring her dad involved and not even a day later he's lying in a black bag somewhere.

"That's what he did." Gale breathed out, her hands running through Sadies freshly bathed hair. "He helped people"

"If he hadn't my sister would have been dead" Sam then went on to say. Hearing how Dewey didn't die in vain brought some peice to Gale, also knowing he'd save their girl.

Gale only manged to smile at Sam. No words could really describe what she was feeling, how she could cope in the future without Dewey.

Tears fell down Gale's face, her eyes blood shot as Sadie stirred away.

"Hey stranger's" the voice struck something within Sadie. She bolted away, eyes opening seeing-

"Sydney!" She smiled and leaped into a hug. The women was quick to hug back, holding her God daughter tighter in her arms.

"I came as soon as I heard" Sadie shuttered against the noise of Sydneys words. Reality kept fading away from Sadie, slipping through her fingers as her whole brain slowly went numb.

"I'm so sorry" Gale joins the hug, all three girls holding each other as they cried. Sam glanced at the actions, seeing how much damaged she may have cause by dragging Dewey into this.

"You guys shouldn't be here" Sadie pulled away from the hug, ghost face is back and if she knew anything about the little psychos that act as he did is that Sydeny is who they want.

"Are Mark and the kids?" Gale quickly asked about Syndeys family, Sydney was always the target in every attack.

"Yeah, they're safe" Sydney assure the girls. "I really made sure of that" Sydney look Sadie up and down seeing the bandages and casts that were wrapped around her body.

"Looks like you put up a fight?" Sydney tried to ease the situation. Sadie cracked a smile, her dimples embedding in her cheeks as she shrugged.

"I may have went back for more, y'know had to save my girl" Sadie joked earning a light slap to the arm by Gale.

"Aw yes, the famous Tara Carpenter i know everything about because you are so swooned by her, its getting serious?" Sydney asked. Sadie broke out into a blush, embarrassed at Sydneys words.

"Sort of.." Sadie mumbled, earning a chuckle from both parties.

"I'm so high right now" Sadie found herself getting deja vu. Her mom and Sydney groaned and dragged her onto the couch for her to rest more.

Gale and Sydney stayed at the hospital, in doing so Sadie stayed too. They waiting until Sam left Tara's hospital room to talk to her.

"That's her?" Sydney asked Sadie who nodded seeing Richie, Sam and.. Tara leaving the hospital I'm so sort of hurry.

"Samantha?" Sydney called out, they all turned and look at the women stopping noticing who she was.

"Its sam" the girl correct, staring at Sydney in question.


"I know who you are." Sam then interrupted. Sadie watched from afar seeing the actions take place, her leg bouncing in anticipations.

"I hope your okay, I actually sort of know a lot about you already-" Sydney pointed the conversation towards Tara. The second Sadie heard that she rushed over, stopping the embarrassing conversation to carry on.

"What? No way? That is so crazy, y'know just because your my god mother doesn't give you the right to do that.." Sadie sqeezed down on Sydney shoulder, a daring smile on her lips.

"Listen, I'm sorry but-" Sam was about to explain how she was leaving until Sydney interrupted again.

"Your Billy's daughter?" Sadie was flawed by the accusation, only her out of everyone didn't know that.

"I'll bring the car around.." Richie took off with Tara in her wheel chair.

So did Sadie, not wanting to intude in the conversation. She had also gotten a message from Amber telling her about a party she was hosting.

Gale had allowed her to attend, only because she wanted her daughter to forget all about today and what she had to see.

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