ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ᵒᶠᶠ, ᴳᵃˡᵉ

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Reluctantly, Sadie did follow after the two. Pushing open the doors seeing news reporter's flood around her. She was nervous, scared even. Tara was quick to pick you on that emotion and grab her hand soothingly.

The three walk down the stairs, ignoring the leach like reporter's who chose to stuff microphones in their faces. Pulling through the crowed until one jumped into the way.

"Gale Weather's, Channel four. Do you ladies think your the reason ghost face killer had come to the big apple?" Gale. Gale fucking weathers, the biggest leach of them all asked. She didn't dare to look Sadie's way.

Sam scoffed and threw her fist forward, missing as Gale ducked.

"Nice try sweetie, but I've done this dance before-" before she could finish Tara punched Gale square in the face, retracting as she groaned.

"Oh." Sadie mumbled, holding back a laugh as Gale toppled over. Gale clutched her cheek, that probably blazed a red underneath her hand.

"Stay away from us" Tara made a show of grabbing Sadie's hand and pulling her away from her mom.

"What the fuck?" Sadie shouted, everything happened so fast. She was yet to catch up.

"Are you really still mad at me?" Gale rushed forward, grabbing her daughters wrist in hopes they could talk. Pulling Sadie away from Tara who was quick to pull back, using Sadie like a rope in 'tug of war'

"You promised you'd never do that again; write a book about people literally dying!" Sadie pulled back, leaving both girls. She stared at her mom with red eyes and flared nose.

"Oh come on somebody was going to write about it, it's what I do" Gale objected, looking at her daughter with hopeful eyes.

"I heard you couldn't sell the movie rights." Tara mumbled, making Sadie clench her jaw and grow mad. That wasn't the point, that wasn't why Sadie was mad.

"Its all about true crime limited series these days." Gale leaned forward to tell Tara.

"You wrote a book about my dad, My dad! Mom, he died and instead of mouring you wrote a book. A book that didn't even do him justice, you wasn't even there for most of is, you was bearly there when you was!" Sadie exploded, all of her anger coming out in one.

"You wrote how I was a hopless baby deer, scared for my life. Missing out the part how I survived multiple times, how I was the one who fucking killed Amber! Me! I did it all, you- you got shot straight away." Sadie carried out, pointing out every flaw in the book. Anger was an understatement, the girl was practically salivating at the though of ripping Gales head off.
She had the nerve to plug a knife deep into Gales throat right there and then, holding back because of the cameras.

"Its just a book, Sadie. I raised you better than to be so full of yourself" Gale placed a hand over her hip, Sadie scoffed at that.

"You bearly raised me! Dewey, my dad did everything, since day one up until the day he dead, dying to protect me!" By then Tara had nudged Sadie away from Gale, trying to get her to sit down in the car. The blonde was fuming, anger scorching her skin.

"I've always protected you, Sadie." Gale pointed out. Gale wasn't a bad mother, she wasn't a good one either, she just was there.

"I wish you died instead of dad. My life would be so much better, maybe I wouldn't be so fucked up if Dewey was still here instead of your pathetic excuse of mothering. Say hi to your boyfriend of the month for me." Sadie turned to leave, Tara letting out a sigh in relief.

"Is that why your mad? Because I moved on from your dad—we had already been divorced many times over, Sadie." Gale excuse her daughters words, knowing she didn't mean them.

"He still loved you! You knew that, he didn't want to get divorce, he would have moved to New York with you, he would have in a heartbeat to be with you. You didnt- you didn't give him the chance" Sadie was quick to argue back, ignoring the groan from Tara. Her hand slammed against the taxi door, screaming at Gale.

"You knew he would have hated me if I made him move, you would have never got with Tara or met all your friends if we moved" Sadie was stuck. She could either scream and say she didn't care, she only cared about the feeling of missing her dad and how she slowly forgot his voice and how that haunted her night's. Instead, she bit her tongue and sat into the Taxi. Beginning to pick at the bandage on her hand.

"Are you okay?" Tara asked, her hand running up and down Sadie's leg in hopes to bring her any form of comfort.

"I will be. I'll have to be." Sadie sighed out, avoiding eye contact and choosing to look out the window.

None of the girls chose to make any type of conversation, sitting in the tense car as they thought about everything that's happening.

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