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Next few chapters wouldn't be important for the story line, I just think for Sadie as a character she'd do this.

Also, Sadie was just acting hard when she said she'd make Sam's life hell. I just don't believe it was Sam fault, if I did I would have made Sadie probably kill her.

Police and paramedics filtered through the door. Lying dead was Liv, Richie, and Amber. Sadie was sitting on the steps to the house, her face still drenched in Amber's blood.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you I was leaving, I was scared if I told you- you'd fall back into bad habits" Tara explained, sitting down beside Sadie. Sadie a few months prior was diagnosed with depression, it gets really bad sometimes, she was doing so well before everything happened.

Sadie was in a difficult situation, should she tell Tara about the meaningless kiss with Amber or not.

"I get it." Sadie mumbled, her head still in between her knees, blood still dripping down her face.

"I just- I was so scared. Sam was scared, she- she'll blame herself forever about what happening with Dewey and- and Mindy." Sadie hummed, her hands picking at the loose splinters of wood. She wasn't in the mood to hear about how bad Sam would feel. Or talk in general. She wasn't able to save Mindy, her mom got hurt and she killed Amber.

"I know." Sadie once again simply answered, giving Tara nothing. Tara huffed out, placing her hand on Sadie's cheek.

"We didn't break up- I hope not atleas-did we?" Tara asked, Sadie leaned into the embrace. Smiling softly before placing her hand on Tara's face.

"We didn't." The ginger girl assured her. Her eyes wandering, spotting Mindy being carried out- not in a body bag.

"I love you." Tara mumbled, leaning closer. Sadie brushed off the movement, standing up and running towards Mindy. Tara scoffed at the action and followed with her eyes, which soon soften seeing Sadie pull Mindy into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh my god. I was so scared I'd lost you, I moved you onto the couch. All honestly, I vomited right by your body" Mindy laughed, seeing how Sadie had thousands of expressions on her face, scared of how she'd react.

"Love you too man" mindy mumbled pulling away from the hug.

"Uh..ma'am is this your blood or the- killers?" A shy looking paramedic asked, pointing towards the damp blood stain on Sadie's side.

"Mine- hers- mine- hers- mine- mine- mine- hers- Richie's- mine- mindy's- mindy- mindy-" Sadie pointed out who the blood belonged to. A couple other medics came and excorted Sadie to van, bring Gale along.

"Come one, honey. You've had a long week" Gale smoothed the skin under her fingers, rubbing gentle circles over her daughters scars. Just like how Dewey would.

"M'kay, Mom"

After a few shots of drugs, Sadie was ready to confess all of her darkest secrets. They'd been on the rode for a little while. Sam and Gale directed the drivers towards a different hospital.

"I'm going marry Tara one day" Sadie mindlessly admitted into the air of the van. The man who was working on stopping the bleeding smiled to himself, as Gale softly laughed.

"Yeah? Tara Riley does have a ring to it, don't it?" Gale asked, holding her daughter. Gale never really took appreciation towards her family, but now, she'd never let her go.

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