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Music poured out of every room in the house. Sadie looked lost, she had gone back to her dad's trailer only to have a mental breakdown, so she grabbed her clothes and left.

Walking into the house she was met by Amber and her contagious smile.

"Oh my god! Sadie, hey!" Amber immediately embraced the girl. Not because her dad died, just because she missed the girl. Sadie had grown tired of all the fake hugs she had to endure because its polite.

"I need to get drunk" Sadie grumbled into Amber's neck, Amber's face blazed a deep red and nodded in agreement.

"Can you drink whilst on medication?" Amber then asked, knowing Sadie had only just got out of hospital. By then they were already in the kitchen and Sadie had helped herself to the vodka and pure a shot for her and Amber.

Lifting the glass to her lips and downing it she hissed from the burning sensation that tilted her head, smiling at Amber.

"Probably not" she smiled once again, pouring another one.

"God. What a sight?" Amber pointed towards Liv who was grinding on Chad. Sadie faked gaged and downed another drink.

"Cute, no?" Amber carried out point out every person was either dry humping someone or heavily making out.

"Why would you let them do that in your house, they could be in your bed right now" Sadie pointed out, Amber's eyes widened and she dragged Sadie up the stairs. Walking up the stairs each step she took was another sip of vodka. By the time she hit the top she was moderately drunk.

Music was still loud but less at the top of the house, Amber guiding Sadie into her bedroom sitting the girl down before locking her door. Taking the vodka bottle out of her hand and drinking it herself.

"So, you feeling any better?" Amber asked, rubbing Sadie's leg after sitting down beside her. Sadie tensed initially but soon relaxed at the situation she was in.

Sadie was pretty sure Tara was leaving town without a goodbye. And Amber was very much appealing to the eyes right now.

"I'm amazing, how about you?" Sadie asked, her lid lowering as she gazed at the girl with a look she had only gave Tara.

Amber was I'm a situation now. Sadie wasn't that drunk, right? Sadie was practically all over Amber right now, biting her lip as Amber talked about everything she missed. Her eyes light up, Sadie looked at her in amusement. After a couple more minutes about how Chad had forgot to do his homework so Mr Simmons made a example out of him, the girls fell into a awkward silnce.

Sadie hadn't backed away from the close proximity she had put herself in with Amber. Amber had been told too many times that she didn't stand a chance so now; Sadie is in her bed, smiling widely, moving closer. Something was off.

"Are you okay?" Amber blurted out, Sadie's blood ran cold. She had switched off the grieving daughter the second she entered Amber's house, her emotions overwhelming her. Sadie pushed herself away from the dark haired girl, placing her hands on either side of her head, holding her up.

Her breathe hitched, stuck in throat from her sobs. She was so tired of crying, it no longer felt needed anymore. She sighed out a breath and turned and looked at Amber.

Amber had a scared expression on her face, awaiting Sadie to tell her what's wrong. Sadie smiled sadly at the girl who only grew more nervous.

"My— my dad he- I told him I was in hospital. Sam made me, she was going to tell him anyway. So, I told him.-"

"I know he knew, he came to this like meeting thing. Mindy threw a 'whoduit' party. He came, Wes accused him, i think he had his money on Richie" Amber quickly interjected, telling Sadie about the get together the Martin-Meek's threw.

"Well, earlier in the day. We were attacked again-" Amber clenched the side of her bed, her face growing red. "He-she-they? Knocked out Richie, Stabbed me and chased down Tara. Before they could kill Tara my dad came. They fought for what seemed like ages, my dad thought he won. When we were about to leave, he turned around. Claiming you need to shot them in the head, some bullshit rule in stab? I don't know. So when he left, he didn't come back." The two girls stayed like that for a moment. Enjoying the silnce, the faint sound of badly written music bleeding through the gap in the door. The wind harshly brushing over the window.

"Your dad died today?" Amber asked, slightly tilting her head as she waiting for Sadie to answer. The ginger girl took a deep breath, thinking before speaking.

"Yeah. My dad died today, now I'm at a party?" It sounded forgein on her tongue. Sadie Riley no longer had her partner in crime, well justice. It was now just Sadie Riley, no more Dewey. Just one instead of two.

"Fuck—Sadie." Amber placed her hand over the girls, tilting Sadie's body into her own so she could cry into Amber's body. Sadie was so tired but she couldn't hold it in. She sobbed, she screamed, she felt like she was dying all over again.

Amber was there. Amber was the only one there. Amber's soft padded hands stroking delicately through Sadie's hair, hushing her fears and tears in simple and needed words.

Amber soothed Sadie back, repeating all of the words she she knew the upset girl would need to hear.

"I love you, Amber. Y'know that?" Sadie pushed off the girls embrace, looking deep into the her eyes. Amber smiled softly at the words, about to tell her she needs some type of rest.

Sadie instead pushed off Amber entirely. Standing infront of Amber, her vision off from the alcohol, her needs and wants differing from sober her.

"Whats wrong?" Amber quickly asked, grabbing ahold of Sadie's wrist.

"I think I'm going to regret this—who gives a fuck" Sadie slurred, leaning- well limping, her body over Amber's.

Leaning into kiss her-

"Yo! Amber, Tara's here said you have her enhailer" a unknown person yelled through the door.

"Holy shit" Sadie threw herself off Amber. Leaning into the floor, as her back slammed with a thud. Amber's face was red, annoyed by how close she was to getting what she finally wanted until Tara interrupted.

"Uh? Yeah, come in" Amber called out, Tara stumbled through the door a confused expression laced on her face seeing Sadie on the floor and Amber out of breath.

"Tara? What are you doing here, I thought.. you only just got out of hospital" Sadie stated, confused and hurt all over her face. Why was Tara here?

"I'm leaving. Town I mean. Sam's taking me to wherever, Sam told Gale- I just assumed that she told you" Tara sheepishly explained, awkwardly smiling at the hurt girl.

"What? Your leaving town? Without saying goodbye" Sadie asked, stumbling onto her feet. Walking over to the girl, cupping her hands.

"I get why for the leaving part but why didn't you tell me" Sadie stuttered out. Tara brushed off the importance, shaking her head.

"I couldn't. I knew you'd never let me go, I just thought-"

"My dad just fucking died and my girlfriend didn't have the guts to break up with me face-to-face. You are so fucking unbelievable, Tara." Sadie pushed past the girl, moving out of the room and aiming to find Mindy.

"Why are you here again?" Amber asked Tara with a devilish smirk, knowing a plan she didn't even know she had happened and succeed.

"My- my enhailer"

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