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After an awkward introduction with Gale and Kirby. Gale had mention she'd found where the masks her coming from; the killers had been dropping masks at each crime scene.

"Jason and Greg were Atlantic bitch boys. Apparently they used fake names for this place" Gale explained, the whole group walking through an ally that had been decorated with pictures of ghost face.

"How'd you find this place?" Kirby asked, looking around at the inpressive discovery.

"Its called investigated journalism for a reason, how didn't you find this? Weren't you tracking them?" Gale scoffed, almost mocking Kirby of her bad detective work.

"I went through their finance records dozens of times, this was not in any of them, it doesn't make sense" Kirby explained. Mindy and Sadie walked side by side, sparing an acknowledgement glance of how cool this place was.

"Dont worry I'm just good at my job, you'll get there" an agonising tone of entitlement, that was Sadies mother, the only person Sadie had now.

"I know your my mom and all that, but you are such a bitch" Sadie exclaimed, joining Kirby and Gale in the front. Gale scoffed as Kirby chuckled, agreeing with the younger girl.

Gale swiped a card across the door lock, grunting as the old door creaking open. The group walked into the abandoned theater, nudging each other with their shoulders at the tight space.

"What is the place?" That was Sadies question too. It was dark, full of cobwebs and dust. The air grew thicker, harder to swallow the chunks of dust that invalided the air particles.

Gale turned on a light, brightening the place for everyone to see.

"Its a theater." Tara pointed out, looking around at the place.

"Not just a theater, it's a shrine." Gale explained, nudging the group into walking more into the building.

Sadie couldn't take the anticipation of it all and rushed forward. Hearing the sound of something moving, then revealing a shrine dedicated to all of the last ghost face.

"Oh my god." Sadie breathed out, a thick bubbled building on the back of her throat. Seeing the disturbing sight of how much people idolised and immortalised the whole murderers.

There were clothes of past killers, there weapons. Standing proudly at the end of the room was a step, leading to all of their cloaks, which they wore.

Sadie's back shivered, scared to step more into the room. Something caught her eyes, a bright yellow shirt.

She nudged past all of them, walking over to see for herself. Her eyes glossed over seeing the name: Tatum.
The bubble in her throat exploded, seeing her late aunt, the girl she had been named after.

"Mom? Is this- is this like the tatum?" Sadie asked, her fingers lightly brushing over the clothing. She heard a 'yeah' from her mom and moved on, impressed at the piece of family history the room held.

"They got the hold damn franchise" Mindy shouted, her eyes not staying in one spot.

"Mindy careful! You might orgasm" Sadie laughed, her eyes searching the room for nothing in particular.

She received multiple 'sadie!' From many parties of the group, she chuckled to herself, carring on her journey.

"Holy shit." The tears didn't mean to fall, but they did. Her eyes glazed over a shine dedicated to her dad.

It was drawings of his death, pictures of him smiling. Even one with Sadie when she was a baby. There had his badge, his gun. Sadie placed her hand to the glass, debating whether to steal it for herself; knowing she had left without taking any pictures.

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