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Splashing water on Sadie's face didnt help. She looked at herself In the mirror and saw a stranger, no longer noticing the person who stood before her.

"What have I done? What have I done?" The plam of her hand rolled against the cold material of the sink, the water still pounding out of the foset and some go on her shirt.

Suddenly, the water wasn't water, it was blood. Sadie was back in the hospital hallway, her dad's numb body infront of her, she was wearing her gray sweats again. Her hands drenched in the blood of everyone who's been attacked.

Deweys eyes flashed open, his cold dead unloving eyes staring back at Sadies.

"You did this" The man confessed. His mouth pouring with blood as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Sadie fell to the floor, grasping the sink once again.

"Holy shit" the girl gasped out, her hands grabbing ahold of the tiled floor as water droples fell from her face.

Sadie heard a scream and quickly ran out of the bathroom, falling into the walls she was back in the living room. Mindy was on the floor groaning, sam over her.

"What the fuck!" Sadie screams rushing over to Mindy. Along side her scream was Amber's too.

"What did you do to her?" Amber asked, walking over to the girls.

"Fucking bitch-" Sadie didn't really think, she just hit. Her fist slamming into Sam's face.

"I didn't- I didnt do anything" Sam defended herself, growing tired of being accused of something she wasn't.

"The killer- he.." Sam tried to explain but Sadie wasn't hearing none of it. She stumbled back at the force of the fist colliding with her face, her lip splitting straight away.

Someone behind her smashed a glass, everyone turning to look at the sudden noise.

"The fuck?" Richie mumbled out, his hands raised in the air. Sadie's phone began to ring, widly, excessively.

"Richie, where the fuck were you?" Sam asked her boyfriend who suddenly disappeared.

"I went into the basement to get beer" he pointed towards the door. Tara quickly hugged into the arm of Sadie who tensed at the touch, Sadie eyed Amber up as she spoke.

"You went into the basement alone?" Mindy had been shoving down their throats how they needed a buddy system or something like that.

"I asked her to come with me, she said no! Fuck!" Someone bursted through the door. Scaring everyone. Instead of Sadie first reaction to protect Tara, Sadie leaned Into Amber and holted behind the taller girl.

"Stay the fuck back" Amber placed a possessive hand over Sadie's hip as she placed the other infont of Liv who ran through the door; out of breathe.

"Jesus Christ!" Liv cried out, covered in blood.

"I was with Tara, but the rest of you were wandering around. One of you is the fucking killer" Amber leaned closer into the girl, loving the attention Sadie was giving in her especially infront of Tara.

"Fuck you, Amber, Fuck you" Liv seethed out, her mascara ran down her face as her whole body jolted around.

"Why is there blood on your hands?" Sam asked, point out how the blood on Liv's hands.

"What?" Sadie mumbled, flash backs of her vision clouding her mind again. "I didn't kill him" she whispered, Amber turned around a looked at Sadie with a sympathetic look knowing she was probably talking about her dad.

"I found Chad. I found Chad, he's.. " Liv looked at her hands, gasping at the sight.

"Chad? What the fuck, Liv. I told you to to find Chad?" Sadie then screamed, remembering the conversation she had with the dyed purple haired girl a little while ago.

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