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Tara grabbed ahold of Sadie's bicep. Sadie groaned at the sight of the weather, knowing it may rain soon.

"Who do you think it is?" Amber nudged behind the girl, questioning who the identity of the new ghost face. "or was it you?"

Sadie scoffed at the accusing, Sadie was at the party. She didn't speak back to Amber, too afraid the others would hear her like Cassie did.

"You can ruin your own life. Change your friends, leave that fucked up place behind, but I'll know." Amber's haunting voice whispered behind the girl. Sadie turned around seeing an empty room, no one but herself there.

"Amber?" She called out, she sounded psychotic, crazy, why was she calling out the name of her dad's killer. She wondered to herself, walking around her apartment.

"Who's Amber?" Cassie asked, walking out of her bathroom; hair still wet. Sadie breathed out, grasping the shoulders of Cassie's

"A monster" Sadie mumbled, pulling Cassie into a tight hug, holding the girl close.

Sadie's Jean pocket began to vibrate, she shuffled her fingers into the space and grabbed her phone. She glanced at the ID and her blood ran cold, confusion ran through her mind.

"Amber?" Tara breathed out, seeing the same ID come up. It was Amber Freeman's name proudly flashed on her phone, along side a picture of her kissing Sadie's cheek.

"What the fuck?" Sadie mumbled, it carried on to ring in her hand.

"Dont pick that up" Tara shook her head, Sadie watched as Sam gawked around the streets. Anyone could have rang Sadie right now, anyone in this whole city.

"Sadie!" Tara groaned, seeing how Sadie pressed 'answer' and pushed the phone to her ear. Sam nodded for Sadie to speak.

"Hey, Amber." Sadie spoke into the phone, they carried on walking. Tara leached to Sadie's side, Sam checking everyone they pass and Sadie talking to the ghost face.

"Hello, Sadie. Did you miss me?" The deep voice rasped into Sadie's ear. She cringed at the sound of his honey like voice, she began to wonder if they knew.

"Y'know the last two people who tried to act all big and tough—well they ended up dead, you want that to be your future?" Sadie asked, smirking to herself at the unresponsive person.

"You should be thanking me, Sadie. Jason and Greg were going to kill Sam and her sister, I gutted them before they had the chance to" Sam nudged Tara and Sadie into the grass pathway the second a shady looking man approached them. The man carried on walking past though, ignoring the girls completely.

"Oh! I get It, you want to kill them youself" sadie asked, hearing the man chuckled on the other side of the phone. Sadie nodded, agreeing with her own statement.

"Something like that. I'm going to show the world how much of a liar and a killer Sam Carpenter is. I'm going to punish them, do you wanna help?" The man asked, Sadie laughed at the herself.

"Oh of course I'd love to help you kill my friends, such fun" the girl mumbled, her eyes rolling at the thought of doing such a thing.

"Dont you think they deserve to pay for what they did? I'm not going to stop until I butcher sam and anyone who gets between me and her. You better watch your back, Sadie." Sadie glanced behind herself, aware of the comment. Tara was grabbed from behind by a masked person. Tara elbowed the person in the face, pushing him back before he could touch her with the knife.

He toppled over onto some bikes, Sam grabbed the back of Tara's and Sadie's coats dragging her into a near by convenient store. The man soon got off his feet, running after the girls.

The three girls ran into the quiet store, the customer's stared at them with confused faces; seeing Tara with tears, Sam shaken and Sadie angry.

"Please! Please! Help us, please call 911! There's a man out there who's trying to kill us!" There words were jumbled up, screaming as a whole at the man behind the register.

The door swung open, in walking a man with the same mask Sadie wore earlier that night. Sadie groaned at the sight, seeing him stalk closer to the girls.

The man behind the girl, the one who kept complaining about how they 'skipped the line' went chest to chest with the masked person.

"You got a problem, tough guy?" The man asked, moving closer to the murderer. The masked person nodded, then lunged forward dragging their knife into the person side multiple times. The man toppled over onto the masked person, falling to the ground.

Another man leaped forward, acting chivalry. The masked person paid no attention, only drawing their knife into the man's throat. The blood splashed onto Sadie face, just as the girl doubled over to retch, Tara dragged her back.

Once again, the man behind the register drew up a shotgun, reloading it and pointing it the man who just killed two people in plain sight.

"Hey!" He shot the chips, watching as they exploded. The masked man ducked, running in between the aisles. The three girls stumble back at the force of the bullet.

"Go out the back!" The man directed the three to the back entrance. Just as their luck began to look good the door was locked, Sadie had the nerve to kick the door down herself but the sound of another bullet echoing through the now empty store shuttled her to her core.

"Keys! We need your keys!" The man mumbled something and began to reach for his keys. Just as he did the masked man re-entered and stabbed him in the chest. The guy tobbled over, dropping the gun.

The ghostface placed the gun to his head, not hesitating to shot off the man's head. Again, the sight of blood made Sadie's stomach churn, she needed to release the bile that housed in her throat.

The girls fall onto their knees, crawling across the floor. They could hear the reloading of the gun, Sam whispers for them to 'sh!'

The three stay silent, only the trace of their own heartbeat present in the room. There was rusling infront of them, then the window to the frozen food exploded. Glass flying over the girls heads, embedding in their hair.

The girls pick up the pace with the crawling, edging towards the entrance. Bullet after bullet was sprayed into the areas around them, echoing their minds as they carried on. Countless things fell ontop of the girls; cupcakes, cartens of Juice, chips.

The three hid behind the wall of boxed foods, hearing the footsteps trace through the aisles.

Sadie was behind a shelf on her own, despite the protest by Tara. The girl noticed Sam's hand etch towards an empty can of beer. Registering her idea she watched in silence, still hearing the footsteps of the latest ghost face.

Sam nudged Sadie slightly, passing the can to the girl so she can throat it down the next aisle. Sadie nodded, carefully grabbing the can and throwing it. It bounce near the bodies that laid dead, Sadie held her stomach as vomit Once again desired to leave her body.

Sam grabbed ahold of the girls hand and dragged her down the aisle, it was hard to considering the fact they were still crawling. Silently crawling down the room, glass was scattered across the floor. Just in Sadie's luck one piece slice down the palm of her hand, blood pouring out of the open wound. She clenched her eyes shut, breathing through her nose as her hand pressed further into the floor.

just as she let out out a whimper Sam and Tara pushed over the shelf, leaving the ghost faced person to be crushed underneath it. Tara grabbed Sadie's shoulder as the police sped into the area.

"Fuck" Sadie carried on to breath through her nose, the blood not stopping as I squirted into the air. The second the girls left the store Sadie doubled over releasing the vomit that lingered in her throat.

"How are you still scared of blood?" Sam groaned. Tara was rubbing Sadie's back soothingly as her hand applied pressure to Sadie's slit palm.

"Because blood!" Sadie screamed, vomit still pounding out of her body. Blood trickled down her hand, flowing onto the concrete below her.

"You got to be kidding me" Sam pointed towards the open back door and mask that was left lingering on the floor.

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