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"What even happened last year, Sadie?" Cassie asked, cautiously. She nibbled on the side of her nail, looking at her friends in wonder but also being careful with her words.

"Amber was my first love. I didnt love her romantically, I don't want her physically. I loved her in a pure and innocent way, she was someone I always came to, someone who listened. That's why I ended up at that party in the first place-" Sadie explained, her eyes glossing over as she spoke about Amber. Her hands shaken, scared of what she's admitting to. Tara wasn't listening was Sadies thinking, but Tara was listening to every word. Everyone in the room was.

"Its hard. Thinking about it. She killed my dad infront of me, in such a brutal and unforgiven way but I still don't hate her, fully atleast. She was groomed, she wasn't evil when we met, she was this nerdy no body who's parents weren't there. Then she changed, it was fast and no one saw it coming but I happened. One day she was sweet innocent Amber who got nervous around me, the next she'd kill my dad." Sadie spoke from her truth, wondering why the once sweet girl had done what she did.

"Before- before she'd died. She threw a party, it was literally the day after my dad was murder but I just needed to be by her, she brought out this side of me that was just, me? I went to the party, I don't really know why. Tara and Sam was leaving, my mom- god, my mom had no clue what to do with me, Gale never really got the mom thing. So that left me with no one, but Amber. I have this memory that repeats in my head anytime it gets really hard. Back at the party, we were both in her room, it was just us. The music was bearly leaking through the door but you could still hear it. We were all alone, just us. We- we didn't make out or do anything.. I just remembered—I was lonely." The room went silent, no one dared to interrupt what she was talking about. Sadie hadn't talked about that night, she's spoke about her dad but never how Amber had betrayed her.

"I was so fucking lonely. I cried, so hard that night. I lost everything in 3 days, I got stabbed, I was on the verge of death and yet the pain of Amber doing that was suffocating, when she pulled the gun out it felt like everything stopped, everything just paused and for some reason I hasn't unpaused. I'm still in the room, Liv is still panicking from finding Chad, and Amber is accusing her then she's shooting her the next. I just wish I loved her back, in the way she needed me to. Maybe- maybe then everything would have been different, I could have pretend until she got bored of me, but instead she's a forever a murderer who still haunts my dreams." The room went silent once again, a dead but calming peace within the room. How could one event really derail many life's, how can one stupid decision of life or death change the course of Sadie's whole existence.

"You need to get out of the city" Sadie urged Cassie as the girl aimlessly flicked through Netflix.

"What? No, I'm not leaving" Cassie ignored the ergancy in Sadie's tone. Sadie pressed again, pushing forward to make sure the girl understands the situation she's putting herself in.

"Cassie. I mean this, you don't owe our friendship anything, you could leave for a couple weeks, until this person is gone and come back. I just- I just need you to be safe." Sadie pleaded with girl, only asking her to humour the thought.

"Sadie, I know this. I'm not leaving, plus my moneys on you being the killer so I wanna see if it is" Cassie smiled, Sadie groaned and rolled onto her back.

"Of course I'm the killer." Sadie shouted loud enough for everyone in thre room to hear. She pushed off the couch and straddled Cassie's lap, pressing her finger into the other girls chest.

"Oh god! Please, please don't kill me Ms. Ghostface!" Cassie squealed, shaking her head in objection. Sadie's eyes darkened at the sounds of Cassie fake whimpering, she made the same sounds as she did in Sadie's dream.

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