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As Kirby screamed, pointing out the killer that was behind Bailey he didn't flinched. He shot Kirby in the chest and began to laugh.

Sadie shouted, scuffling to her legs as she tried to grab ahold of Kirby. Tara and Sam glare at the killers; two masked people standing next to Bailey.

"Great job" Bailey complemented them. "Both of you."

"You?" Tara gasped, falling under the spell of the grieving father.

"Ahh. Of course me. Frankly I expect more from you, after what you did to us." The man brushed it off, his tone growing sour.

"What do you mean, us?" Sadie manged to limp towards the pair, joining them in there confusion.

The one killer flipped off their mask, revealing Ethan as the killer.

"I fucking knew it!" Sadie screamed, Ethan laughed. Tara and Sam was left confused and annoyed at how Sadie chose now to gloat.

"She did call it, if only you listened." Ethan mocked, laughing as he tapping down on his mask. "This mask? It's your grandmothers, Nancy loomis. Really runs in your fucking family, doesnt it?"

"Speaking off family-" the brunette boy smiled, looking over a Bailey.

"Wait for it!" Bailey smiled, urging Ethan on.

"-my names not Ethan Landry. Is it, dad?" The words lingered in the air, everyone stunned by the revolution.

"Dad?" Tara shouted, her expression changing from mad to confused. The man laughed, stroking his sons hair.

"Wait if its you two then that just leaves?" The masked person stared at them a little longer, until they finally ripped their mask off too.

"Hey roomies" Quinn quitley greeted them, Sadie looked like a deer in headlights. The group had a confused face, mouths open seeing who had been chasing them all through out the week.

"Didn't see that one coming, did you?" Quinn asked, smiling as her hair fell below her shoulders.

"Yeah because you died!" Tara screamed, voice cracking ever so slightly as it went in a higher pitch.

"I kind of didn't." The ginger girl sighed, rolling her shoulders. Ethan stood smiling ear to ear, knowing he had been the one to 'kill' her. "No. It was a good way of getting off the suspect list. Stab Gale Weather's, kill Cassie on the train. That sort of thing." Sadies blood boiled, sizzled to the touch. Her skin turned to lave within seconds. Her vision went red, only seen shadows of things; red was everywhere.

"Yeah, I just made sure I was first on the scene so I can switch her body out for a fresh one. A little fake blood, prosthetic, you'd be amazing at what a grieving father would get away with." Detective Bailey explained, smiling at the girls as they all shuttered at the expansion.

"I got Amber Freeman's mask. She was my favourite." Quinn explained, walking closer to the group of girls. Sadie shuttered at the sight of the mask, instantly remembering the girl and what she did.

Ethan gained speed on them too, walking over to the clothing of Nancy Loomis, placing her mask to the clothes.

"That's number three-" pointing towards Mrs Loomis mask. "That's Seven." He then pointed towards Quinn, who was still holding the mask. Carefully putting it down.

"Which leaves-" he reached into his coat, grabbing a busted and torn mask. "Your father's."

"This is what we've been counting down to, Sam." The man gritted through his teeth. Offering the mask to Sam. "I'm gonna need you to put it on."

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