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You wanna come over and teach me how to kiss?

I was bored, my girlfriend was free and I wanted to do something that would lift my mood.
Sadie had just came home from her mom's house, so she wanted to spend some time with her dad, but she always gets bored and leaves him after like 20 minutes.

Y'know that isn't fair

Who said anything about being unfair? I just want my girlfriend to come over and have fun with me?

I smirk to myself knowing Sadie was understanding the suggestive meaning behind my message, the girl instantly began to type back.

God I hate you. You know that's not fair, Tara. My dad wants to spend time with me, but you're making it impossible to stay here and pretend like my very hot girlfriend isn't practically sexting me!

It's not my fault that I want you right now, I though I could control it. Please!

I'm blocking you.

I chuckle to myself at the message and leave it there, I lean over my oven and turn the heat higher, stirring the pasta sauce gently so it won't burn. I hum softly to myself as I tap along the counter, still trying to figure out what film to watch. My feet treaded along the stone tiles underneath my feet as I darted around the room in hopes anything would hit my liking. However, the none stop images of my girlfriend wouldn't stop, just her in general was enough to ignite every flame in my body, to make my body ache for her touch. She was amazing at everything, eventhough she had a really hard childhood she is an amazing person, she would never hurt me in any way. By now we have been dating for 2 years, she confessed to me when we were both 16. It was adorable, she stuttered and her face was permanently red.

I leaned against the counter and grabbed my phone again, the sudden weight I'm my hand was weirdly comforting.

But who would keep me entertained then?


I groan and roll my eyes. Wes and I aren't even that great friends. He had/ maybe has a crush on me. I shut it down within minutes of hearing about it, all I want is Sadie. Sadie however chucked it in my face every chance she got.

Not funny.

I'm not joking, he'd do it.


I wasn't making a joke.

Whatever, jealousy isn't an attractive look.

Liar. You love it when I get jealous and possessive over what's mine.

I'm yours?

Only mine.

Her message sent a shiver down my spine, I had to put down my phone. Then, I remembered I was cooking and that I needed to attend to the paster sauce or it will burn.

Stirring the sauce, letting it sizzle and stain my spoon I had dazed off. I hadn't bearly notice my hand shaking my enhailer and leading it to my mouth.

I have a bad case of asthma, I need to use my unhaler it lease 20 times a minute. Dramatic..maybe.

After talking a deep breathe in and out, exhaling from my nose as I placed it back down. My landline began to ring which was odd because I hadn't realised my mom had one.

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