Chapter 41 - Vigilantism

Start from the beginning

Addendum: Should Izuku Midoriya be willing and the council provide a majority vote, a hero license may be provided to them, based on the efficiency of their vigilantism and progress of their reformation.

The Villains Signature:______________________


"So. A vigilante, hmm?" Deku asked, throwing the folder back to the Principal.

"Indeed." Nezu put the folder away as he continued. "We figured this would be an effective use of your skills whilst providing you with a reduced sentence. Everyone wins."

"Who would be monitoring me?" Deku asked.

"Normally Aizawa would keep an eye on you," All Might answered. "However we both have a number of trusted associates outside of U.A. If we need to, we can just ask them to keep an eye on you for the night."

"Won't they try to stop me?" Deku queried. "I would be a vigilante, which as I'm sure you know is illegal."

"Don't worry," Mic answered. "They won't interfere. If we give the order, they'll keep it."

"...Fine," Deku caved. "But only because I haven't been outside in months. I could use the exercise. Not to mention the target practice."

"You will have some of your equipment returned to you." Nezu explained some of the conditions to the agreement. "Obviously we don't want you to kill anyone so all lethal weaponry has been removed. Also, your color pallete has been changed. We figured that all-black would be more appropriate given you aren't supposed to exist."

"Sure thing, Principal," Deku answered as he signed his name  on the file. "Whatever you say."


As Deku left the room, Aizawa turned to All Might. "That went pretty well, don't you think?"

"Indeed," All Might responded. "I was certain he wouldn't even consider becoming a vigilante, given that he has no intention of becoming a hero and all."

"Yeah, well, that kid is a mystery," Mic exclaimed. "I don't think any of us can really know what he's thinking.

On that note, I need to start planning my lesson plan for next week. Sooooo... see ya!" Mic dashed out of the room, leaving Nezu, Aizawa and All Might still there.

"Uuuh... Mic," Aizawa groaned in exasperation.

"So Aizawa, have you had time to think about what I asked?" All Might asked.

"About Sir Nighteye?" Aizawa responded, a glint in his eye. "Yeah, I thought about it. Honestly, I think it could work."

"I agree," Nezu chimed in. "Sir Nighteye would be excellent for Deku to work under. Plus Mirio will be with him, so maybe they'll rub off on each other!"

"And if he goes rogue, two of the strongest heroes in Japan will be there to stop him," All Might finished.

Later That Day...

"Alright, well done. All of you." Class 1-A had just finished up a practical test in the USJ on analysing a villains movements, the majority of the class doing surprisingly well at it. "You are all incredibly talented," Deku called out," But don't think you are stronger just because you know what your opponent will do next. If you can't stop them, you might as well not know their next move. Work on your reactions and improvisational skills. Class dismissed!"

With that, Class 1-A headed back to the changing rooms to change back into their school outfits. However, Deku wasn't done with everyone. "Pinky!" He called out, grabbing the pink hero's attention. "I need to talk with you." She skipped back to her teacher, a proper pep in her step.

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