Note from the author

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Hello! If you are reading this, you have decided to read my story on Villain Deku. I got the idea for this when I read "Deku the quirkless villain", on It's by someone called Io of nine, and this will draw similarities to that, but it will be different. I hope you enjoy it. I have a few rules though:

1) If you are going to comment, be respectful

2) If you are going to criticize me, make it constructive criticism. Tell me how to improve instead of saying, "This bit's terrible!"

3) That being said, I might take suggestions for the story in the future but for now, I'm in charge so no suggestions.

4) NO SMUT! I will not be writing any smut, fluff, lemon or any other sexual stuff. If that's why you're reading this... still read it, but don't expect that kind of stuff.

Now, onto the story...

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