Nineteen // Decsions.

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"Who knew that was possible?" I tease him and he grins at me goofily.

"Yeah. Who knew?" Calum says letting out a content sigh. "So I actually wanted to ask you about a certain something."

"Oh?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
This had certainly peeked my interest.

"I know you're trying to avoid marrying me and all but need to start planning our wedding sometime soon."

"I'm not avoiding anything Hood, hell I would marry you tomorrow if I could." I tell him. I knew he was only joking but that didn't make what I says any more truthful.

"Lets get married tomorrow then." Calum says casually.

"There's only one problem with that." I point out and Calum raises his eyebrows at me. "I don't think it would even be possible for me to find a dress and I need to find the perfect one." Most girls dream about their wedding day and what their dress would look like, I of course was no exception.

"We could just get married naked." Calum chuckles and I shake my head at him.

"As much as you loved that, I don't think anyone else would."

"Hmm I guess." Calum murmurs.

"Why are you in a rush to get married?"

"I'm not Genie. I just can't wait to be able to call you my wife." My heart literally wants to burst out of my chest at his words.

"And I can't wait to be able to call you my husband."


My eyes flutter open as a huge yawn escapes my lips. I didn't even remember falling asleep last night so I guess I was more tired then I thought.

A smile creeps it's way to my lips as the first thing I see is a peacefully sleeping Calum. My heart warms at the sight of him and I can't help but feel giddy. Most of the I felt like I was living a teenage dream.

I had hope that I would be one of the lucky ones who find a love that consumed me and I did. I found that with Calum and I honestly couldn't be more happier.

"I love you." I whisper pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. He looked so adorable when he sleeked that I didn't have the heart to wake him so instead I carefully remove his arm that was draped over my waist and then crawl out of our blanket fort.

As I go to walk upstairs I'm greeted by my other boy who I loved to death.

"Hey Walker." I smile bending down to give him a pat. "I'm sure you enjoyed having the bed to yourself last night." We had at one point taken Walker into the fort with us but he had other plans and left a couple minutes later.

"Lets get you some breakfast." I murmur before picking him up and taking him to the kitchen.

Once Walker was happily eating away I made upstairs to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth and hopefully get a quick shower in while Calum was still sleeping.

As I'm brushing my teeth though I hear Calum call my out my name. Well theres that idea gone, but maybe I could just shower with Calum instead?

"In here." I yell out once I had finished. I place my tooth brush back in the holder and turn around just as Calum's entering the bathroom.

"Morning." Calum chums happily.

"Good morning to you too." I smile at him as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a hug. "I still don't like waking up and you not being there."

"I know but you look way too cute sleeping that I never wanna wake you." I tell him and he chuckles pulling back so that he was standing face to face with me.

The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat