50. Some Care

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Some care
That's all I ask for
I chant a prayer
When I start losing this war

But the more that I pray
The more I feel alone
That last hopeful ray
Vanished, left me on my own
I too wanna run away
I feel so vulnerable and prone

All you had to do was stay with me
But you left me at fate's mercy
Feeling so choked in this reality
Thought I wanted to be alone? I don't agree
Wishing, like you I could also flee

Some care
That would have been enough
A hand to wipe my tear
And a comforting bluff

You could have made the tables turn
With a small act
All you had to show was some concern
That would have lightened the impact
Now I watch it all wither and burn
My unstable mind, these thoughts attract

A simple question of "Are You fine?"
Could have moved back the deadline
My life would have not lost its shine
I wouldn't have smashed the bottle of wine
That broken glass gives me ideas that aren't divine

Some care
Could have changed it all
You being there
To catch me when I fall

But you hit the brakes
Left me alone in this hell
You saw my earthquakes
Backed up in your shell
I always overlooked your mistakes
But now, it's time to bid each other farewell

Some care could have saved me and my paradise
Helped when I was walking on cold thin ice
But I guess there is always a price
To get something warm and nice
Is my soul enough for this sacrifice?

Some care
Could have saved the day
But now I am here
Giving up as I see you walk away


Hey, there depressed souls! DrishKing008 is here with the last poem of this poem collection. I apologize for not updating on Saturday. I was a lot busy with...stuff and I was also editing and finalizing this poem. I really hope you enjoyed it. I worked really hard on this poem to make it a bit special.

Now, I want to thank you all for being a part of this amazing journey. This collection has been a blast. I have never felt more proud of any of my publications. No matter how much I thank you all, it still seems not enough. You all have been a part of my life since this poem collection started. It has been almost a year but it seems like yesterday when I published my first poem here. 

A wave of happiness washed over me the moment I remember it. I can see my progress from an amateur writing random lines to a poet who knows about rhyming schemes. There are no words to express my feelings. 

ALSO, 1.52K VIEWS?!?! I am over the moon. You all have been an integral part of my life for the past ten months. This poem collection means so much to me and YOU are the ones who have made this experience so magical. I love every single one of you.

The new poem collection will start soon. An announcement will be made for you guys to be able to find it on my profile. SPOILER ALERT! The first poem of that collection would be one of my best ones. I have already finalized that as well. More details in the upcoming announcement.

IMPORTANT: Also, this poem collection will continue to be updated with the poems I am submitting in contests and all. Like, this is poetry month, so, 28 more poems within this month as a part of the Versification contest. God, it's about to get a bit hectic. If you are interested in reading my entries. Then, don't remove this collection from your library and you will continue to get updates. 

I want to thank you all for 1.5K plus views. I know I have said this a billion times already but this still doesn't make any sense to me. How is this collection still growing this fast? I have no idea. 

My schools have started. So, the new poem collection MIGHT be a bit delayed. It's the 10th class, I need to pay attention to my studies too, guys. A bit of cooperation here, please. 

Anyway, stay tuned for the upcoming 28 poems and the announcement, and the poem collection. Seems like you all have a lot to look forward to. 

And for the second last time in this poem collection(The announcement is still left),

See you Soon(with the entries and announcement)!!!❤️

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