43. Spill It All Out

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It feels good to spill it all out
Rather than let it kill you inside
It might strengthen the relationship or make it fallout
At least you would know if they really are on your side

I know it's hard to confess
But your genuine emotions, always express
At least, then, you will be in less distress
And you won't feel that much depress
It doesn't do you any good, when your feelings, you try to compress

Trust me, you will feel light
As if a mountain has been lifted from you
Who cares whether it comes out alright?
At least you vented out and spoke true

Let those idiots know, you feel it
When they question your wit
And you don't need their permit
You are brave enough to admit
You aren't the one who can be forced to submit

Shout at them for what all they did
And how inside it crushed you
How they manipulated this small kid
Into believing their taboo

Which was that he had no worth
Just a big burden on the earth
They demotivated him from birth

Go and spill this all out
Rather than continue living in doubt
Go and spill this all out


Hey there my dear poem lovers! DrishKing008, the big idiot who has her Maths final exam on 28th February with a ridiculous syllabus but still writes and publishes a stupid poem is back with another bland, not impressive poem.

Guys, I know this poem is bad but...I have my exams and I couldn't write a poem, so, here is this previously present in trash and now recycled poem. I know it sucks to the brim but you guys have to deal with the downs that come along with the consistency I am showing. No joke, I am really proud of myself for being this consistent. This collection is an exception for me because I am the one who has discontinued, 'paused', and the last-updated-six-months-ago stories on my profile.

Anyways, it is a pretty straight forward poem with an immature rhyming. The idea behind it is that you need to spill all your hidden feelings to the one who caused them. If they gave you life-long trauma, then, go and scream into their face that they did all that and have screwed up your whole life. Don't suppress your sufferings and anger inside you (says the one who never says what she truly feels and whose hidden feelings bleed into poems). 

That's pretty much it. Give me a sincere best of luck because I am stressed and depressed as hell due to my exams. Vote, Comment and Share the poem because I said so (A really sensible reason).

See You next Saturday!!!

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