19. I can't tell

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How shall I tell
I have depression from 5 years?
I crawled out of this hell
And then drowned in my own tears

I fought my way through darkest of thoughts
Then went so numb and acted like robots

I can't just vent out
I don't have the courage to
I spent my whole life in self-doubt
I can't have someone pass on review

What if they say I am wrong?
And it's just that I am not strong?

What will I do if that's the case?
I would break even more
I would shatter like a vase
I can't go to therapy, therefore

Nor can I tell anyone about my issues
I will myself deal with them with a box of tissues

It's okay if I can't tell
I will still escape this dark cell
On my dreams, I will dwell
And on my own, I will escape this hell


Hey there, my dear poem lovers! I am really, really sorry...I just forgot it was Saturday...once again. I am an idiot. Forgive me. Thank god it crossed my mind, even if it's almost 6 in the evening, at least I didn't miss the update. Be optimistic(says who?)

Anyways, this poem is for that time when you just think about telling someone about your depression, if you have it, and try to get some help when you get really concerned on seeing how serious it is getting. I myself relate with this poem on a spiritual level, so, I kind of enjoyed writing it. When you are in depression, it is really hard to open up to someone regarding it. It takes so much courage that people like me just can't tell anyone. It's REALLY hard to confess.

This becomes insanely difficult when you already have been in that state for a long time and have gone pretty deep in depression. Like, first you were not sure about it or were confused regarding your mental health or you didn't have anyone to share your mixed feelings, so you didn't tell anyone. Then, your depression grew and grew, went out of control and now, you are afraid how to tell that you have been suffering from this for so long, that too alone. 

PLEASE GUYS! Even if you are in doubt, tell someone, go to a therapist before it all goes out of hand and you suffer. Then, you will regret it.  

AND if you are struggling because your depression is growing and you can't develop the courage to tell anyone, BE BRAVE. Try to tell someone who you think will understand and help you. DO IT NOW!!! Or I will personally come and beat you up. Just kidding. Reducing the tension a bit.

I ended this poem saying I won't tell anyone and handle this on my own (Don't act stupid like me)to sympathize...actually, empathize. I wanted to tell those who are clear that they are not gonna seek any help because of some practical reason, not an excuse or emotional one, you can still get out of this. It will be hard but not impossible. Believe in yourself but seek help first, if you can. 

Now, I have talked a lot and bored you all to death, so, quickly, Vote if you liked the poem, Comment if you wanna say something or want me to write a poem on a particular topic, also if you were satisfied with this poem as I said in the previous one that I think it was all falling apart, and promised to make it better. What do you think? Did I complete my promise? Was this poem back on track? Make sure to tell me in the comments. Share if you think this poem can help someone.

See you Soon!(Take hint I didn't say next Saturday😏. Guess!)

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