6.Only Efforts Matter

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Success doesn't count
Everyone should know
Efforts get into account
No matter where we go
You can't hide from the facts forever
Even if you are very clever
You should just be glad
With your result
Don't get sad
By the insult
People love to make you mad
Show them that you are their dad
You know, through what you had to go
To achieve whatever is with you
You know how much you did grow
And what they say is not true
Just be happy with yourself
Just say, "I did my best and I trust myself"


Hey there, my dear poem lovers! DrishKing008 is back with anoher poem and I have also got an important announcement to make too. So, first the announcement.

I have changed the publishing pattern of this collection. Now, I would update regularly every Saturday, or at least I would try to, instead of random updates. I am that type of person who always prepares a reason behind their decisions, just because if someone asks. So, I would like to tell you the reason behind this decision too(as if anyone asked).

I have just finished my previously main novel "The Path To The Mortuary"(Only epilogue is left). So, I have my Saturday and Sunday comparitively free than before. My Sundays are again taken because of my now main novel "Agent S and The Past Shadows". so I figured I can dedicate my Saturdays to this collection as I am growing to love writing poems more and more with time.

Now, back to the poem. I really hope you liked this poem too. Lately, I have been trying to control my word limits and not make a poem a song but my many old poems are mixed with them too. So, some poems(new) would be a bit different from some poems(old) because I am trying to improve my skills as best as I can.

Vote, Comment and Share this poem too if you liked my decision to change the publishing pattern or my poem. Hope you liked it.

See you next Saturday!

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