9. They Won't Understand

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They will never understand what I feel
Neither my friendships nor from what I deal
They don't know from what I am trying to heal
When I lock myself in my room or skip my meal
They never try to know what depression really is
Nor my state of mind
They say I don't try to show my true emotions
I haven't seen a bigger blind
They think I don't know or hear
Whatever they say from behind
I just ignore and still care for them
I think I act too kind
They don't deserve the respect and importance that I always give
Even when I know they don't even deserve to live
I have to tell myself ten times a day, "You are great. Just forget and forgive"
But how long will I have to suffer so that they don't feel like a brat?
If they have feelings of course and I highly doubt that
They assume I like to talk to them and have a nice chat
But they don't know in my mind I have to stop myself to loudly spat
They won't understand my priorities even if I try to tell
They won't accept that this simple girl is actually a rebel
The hatred I have for them, they won't understand or feel
Because they think it's a big deal
I will keep hiding my true self because I know they won't get it
And I am more than ready to bet it
They will keep on troubling me some more and I will continue to suffer
I will show them that I am tougher
I will go through all this and still won't let them know
It's for their own good and I have no intention of my sacrifices to show
I am kind, my god knows
I don't care if anyone's mind blows
He will recognise my contributions and maybe help
Till then my only flickering hope is self-help


Hey there my dear poem lovers! DrishKing008 is back with another Saturday update! I had some holidays this week so I thought about writing some more poems and giving you guys a bonus update...but...I dropped the idea.

I have instead started working on a new one shot story instead. It's my first crime-fiction story and that too for a competition. I just felt like sharing it so, ya... The novel would be out soon, so stay tuned for it ! (as if anyone is waiting for it...)

Anyways, back to the poem. As you can see, this poem was a bit...actually a lot bigger than my other poems but I had warned you earlier that many of my old poems are mixed in this collection and they are really long. Hope you guys liked this poem too.

This poem was meant for moments when people feel like no one bothers about them or wants to know about them. Why feel sorry for someone like that? Reverse the tables! BOOM! Now, you are not interested to tell them anything because they wont understand, low IQ, you know.

I have a serious problem of dark humor, excuse me.

Kindly take a moment to Vote, Comment and bla bla bla, the formalities and all. Oh my! This after-poem section is way too long. So...

See you next Saturday!

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