16. Schools

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Schools aren't about learning anymore
For education, I would prefer sitting in a bookstore

At least there, I  wont be taught irrelevant things
I want to learn about politics, school tells me about old kings

They say these theorems would be needed outside
Sorry to burst your bubble, but by using a calculator, I won't lose my pride

Who wants to wake up at 6 am everyday?
And half-asleep, learn to write an essay?

I like to learn but not when I am forced into it
I like doing practice at home but not to submit

If students wish they were dead but not in school
Don't you think this education system was made by a damn fool?

If they celebrate a holiday like a fest
Don't you think they are just too stressed?
And they need some well deserved rest
From the big burden called 'test'

All school tells, is screw your health!
Just study and study to gain wealth

We need to change this system to save our youth
School is worse than a prison, you know it's the truth

Come on guys! Let's change these stupid rules
Or mentally ill teenagers will be filled in schools


Hey there my lovely poem lovers! I am back with another poem for you guys. Hope you guys enjoyed it too.

This poem was about the faulty education system and schools. For students, it will be really relatable, I think. Schools aren't really about learning now. It's just about grades. There, we are taught so many things, but fifty percent are just useless and irrelevant for us. Like, if someone wants to continue sports as a career, what good will it do to force him to score in studies? 

Also, the most important thing is they put too much stress on students. Like, if a student says he would rather be dead than going to school, don't you think it's a serious issue? Students are getting depressed due to all the burden of studies, they are getting crushed under it and that's just one of the worst issues regarding our schools.

The part I think is the worst is when we ask an adult, why are so many students going in depression? And they just say, it's the mobile phones isn't it? You literally can't see them being stressed due to studies and blame everything on a simple phone? I just don't buy it.

In the end, I again tried to end the poem in a motivating way that this faulty system needs to be changed if we want less students in depression or in general less mentally unfit teenagers who are packed in school.

Anyways, Vote if you liked the poem, I really hope you did, Comment any topic you want me to write a poem upon, I will try my best, and Share this poem, so that people can relate and it really has a motivating effect on them.

See you next Saturday!

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