22. Wild West At Halloween

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Hey, you! Welcome to the Wild West
Brave of you to come on Halloween
But still, go back for safety, I suggest
Cause dude, you are just a teen

You will get scared seeing the monsters roaming freely in the town
Seeing monsters so terrifying, your little heart might meltdown
When I say, he can be real too, while referring to the clown
Standing behind you! Turn around!

Your ears might not stand our music or, for you, noise
You might faint when you get threatened by our cowboys
So, young one, you have been warned, go home and play with your toys

Here skeleton comes out of graves
Cactus springs directly from earth
Don't even get me started on spooky caves
We have been making them since birth

Our center is at Tombstone
It's freezing cold in that zone
Oh boy! It's pretty well known

It will be a great adventure if you stay
But your life is at your own risk
Wild West at Halloween isn't a child's play
Your heartbeat here will always be brisk


Hey there, my lovely readers! This poem is for a contest. Ignore it if you want.

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