37. I Am A Loser

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I am a loser
I wanna give up on life
I wanna end this misery
Quietly, with a knife

I fought depression for 5 long years
Learned how to cry inside, without tears
So that the sobs don't reach their ears

I am a loser and a coward as well
Afraid to tell anyone, I am going through hell
Afraid they might hear me when I cry and yell
Afraid to ring a therapist's doorbell
Because I am a coward, I can't tell

I am a loser, myself, I hate
So lost, my depression, I can't even rate
Am I out or still drowning in it? Can't anticipate
Because now, to it, I have accommodate
My identity and depression, can no longer separate
Afraid I might die soon, crushed under its weight

I am a loser
I don't hope to win
I am gonna lose
I am dead within


Hey there, my lovely poem lovers! DrishKing008 is back with another Saturday update. I am so sorry for updating so late in the evening but I was stuck in some work.

This poem is for times when you feel like you are a loser. Let me tell you that it is not at all true. No one is ever a loser. Everyone is a winner but if you will judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree and not to swim, you will declare it a loser instead of a winner. This was a misery-filled poem. It is for times when you are done with life. You have accepted that you are a loser and you will never succeed. That kind of negativity is lethal.

Here, one feels like a loser because of continuously losing while fighting depression. Five years is a hell lot of time to stay in depression. At that point, if you have survived for five years, then, you are already winning. Surviving in depression is equal to winning every day. In the poem, one thinks that he is a coward as well because he is afraid to tell anyone. It's nothing abnormal. When you are in depression, it's really hard to confess it. You aren't a coward, your situation is just too hard. Going to a therapist is a brave step not everyone is able to take and it's okay.

At one point, you get so lost in depression that you don't even know whether you are in a depressive episode or not because you forget what it is to be normal. You could be completely out of depression or drowning in it, but still, you won't have any idea. Surviving depression alone is tough, fighting depression when you don't even know whether you are depressed or not is a whole lot more difficult. After all, the best way to imprison someone is to not let them know that they are in a prison. That quote is powerful.

In the poem, he is worried that he might die from depression because he just can't take it. He has lost all hope that he is ever going to win in this battle against depression. He is dead inside.

Now, taking a break from these dark thoughts, I wanted to thank you all for over 800 views! I love all of you guys so much that I can't even put it into words. You all have made this poem collection so successful. I just love all of you!

Vote, Comment, Share, etc. I am tired of writing this para again and again. Plus, I am running out of time today.

See you soon!

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