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Hey there, my dear poem lovers! DrishKing008 here. I just wanted to say thank you all so much for over 200 views! It's crazy to me that my poems got so many views. Our poem collection is currently on 224 views, it's driving me mad with happiness. I just want to say that I love all of you. I want to thank you guys for the support you have given me from the very beginning of this journey. If it weren't for your support, I would have never made it this far. And I don't plan to end this journey anytime soon. Until even a single person wants me to continue this poem collection, it will keep on going, even if that only one person is me. I am just not gonna stop. This surely is called vote of thanks but it is not gonna end anytime soon.

For those curious and observant minds among you all, complaining that I am late and the poem had crossed 200 views days before, in fact, almost a week, I am well aware. I noticed it the moment it happened but I was, that's not the word...lazy, maybe? Hear me out, I thought to thank you all while updating the poem collection on Saturday(Today) but I filled the after-poem section of that poem(No.19) to the brim. It was so long, I couldn't thank you properly even if I tried. Also, I kind of *cough* forgot *cough* to mention this there before publishing.

Now, back to the topic, a small(really small, you have been warned!) gift is coming for you guys as a way to celebrate this. Stay tuned for that.

I was also wondering if you guys would like to read some songs too? I have tried to write some songs. Not just too long poems, I have tried to make them into a proper song, just tried. I was curious if you would like me to publish those too. Tell me in the comments if you are interested in something like that, I will love to get your feedback and happily publish those songs too.

This journey has been amazing till now. Thank you to every single one of you reading this, for sticking with me for so long on this extremely dark and negative yet upbeat journey. I had my highs and lows but you guys were there everytime for me and didn't leave. I am nothing without you all. Earlier this was my journey, now it's our journey.

Once again, THANKS A LOT! You guys have sent me over the moon (Now, how am I gonna get down?! That's the real question!)

See you Soon!!!(Again, not Saturday🤔 )

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