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Been a while, huh?

Yeah, I'm not gonna waste time here. Sorry in advance for any typos as I'm writing this on my laptop.

I've been debating deleting this book. It brought me some joy when I was writing it, neck deep in the ship, and provided me with a place to vent any frustrations and otherwise shit feelings, and I always loved seeing kind or funny comments on it, they made my day. However, I can't look at this book anymore without cringing half out my skin. Not only was my characterisation horrific and nothing like in the game, but I feel I've come farther as a writer and improved since I started this book, even since I last updated it. I'm also no longer part of the community around this ship.

I have a post on my profile about this same thing, if anyone would like to see the book kept up, please let me know there. Whether you only like specific chapters and don't care about the rest, or don't want to see the book removed at all, whatever, please let me know on that announcement so I know what to do next. At the end of the day, if this book can no longer make me happy, I'd love if it made others happy instead.

Thank you to everyone who read this announcement, and I apologise for my absence. And of course a huge thank you to anyone who read and enjoyed this book.

I'd like to keep writing and uploading here, so if anyone has anything they'd like to see from me, fandoms, ships, genres, tropes, etc., please do feel free to let me know, as I built my entire account on papyton and I now feel incredibly lost...

Thank you again, I hope you all have a great day/night


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