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One Week Ago
As soon as Lisa confirmed that it was really Anna I saw that day at the market, things slowly began to fall into place.

Until a week ago I believed my Anna was dead, but that turned out to be false. So what really happened that night? Why is there an evidence implicating Lisa in that incident roaming about?

Whatever went down that evening, I need to get to the bottom of it fast before more damages are done.

Lisa can be very naive and oblivious to pending threats or dangers. Which is why I have to protect her in anyway I can, in case Anna decides to do something cynical with those photographs of Lisa when or if she eventually gets her hands on them.

This was my intention, but I had no plans in place of how to achieve it before I receive a nerve-wrecking call from Jungkook.

Yes, Jungkook.

I've thought about him too during this time, and I wondered what his reaction would be like if he finds out. What would he do when he finds out his beloved Anna is still alive?

"Hello Jungkook, it's been a while. I hope all is well?" I asked nervously.

"Not at all, Mrs Brüschweiler. I'm afraid I've got some chilling news that would change our lives forever," he stated straight away.

I've always admired that straightforwardness of his, but this time it got me a bit rattled. This can't be good.

"You found out, didn't you? That Anna is alive." I questioned sadly.

It's no denying that Anna wasn't a good wife to Jungkook when they were both married, but he loved her so much so he was willing to overlook all her shortcomings. Which is why I'm a bit anxious and worried about Lisa place in Jungkook's life now her sister is back.

I'm afraid of what would happen to Lisa if Jungkook were to choose Anna. I don't think she'll ever be able to regain from such heartbreak, and it would all be because of my negligence.

"Yes... Yes, I found out she's still alive but that's not all I found. Mrs Brüschweiler, before I tell you all I've discovered about Anna, I need you to promise me that no matter what, you'll help me find a way to protect Lisa," he requested earnestly.

I was shocked. He wants to protect Lisa? Does this mean he has made his choice, and he chose Lisa? I couldn't tell if I was grateful, proud or relieved. Maybe it's all of it.

"I promise. Whatever makes you think Lisa's life is in danger, I'll help you find a way to protect her." I assured sternly.

With a sigh of slight relief, he told me everything he had just found out from that Jung Jaewon kid. He told me about Lisa's pregnancy and the role Anna and Jaewon played in straining her mental and physical health for the past five months.

I was shocked to my core at the reality of the kind of person my Anna had turned out to be. I tried to wrap my head around the fact that ever since my girls were little, I've always protected Anna more hoping she doesn't feel lack of my attention or motherly affection. So, when did all these happen?

"Mrs Brüschweiler, I'm afraid Lisa might chose to protect Anna and get hurt while doing so. Please, I need your help in finding out exactly how Anna was able to pull off faking her own death. Once she sees me, I know it won't be long before she approaches me with her demand. And even though I'm not certain what she'll ask for, I know she'll try to blackmail me with something that would either threaten my marriage or Lisa's wellbeing." He stated to my dismay.

Of course she will. If everything Jung Jaewon had told Jungkook is for sure the truth and Anna has been with him for the past six months, that means she has access to that photo of Lisa on the night of the accident.

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