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I saw him again. It wasn't a nightmare...it's never a nightmare each time I see him.

It's a happy dream, maybe a memory lost in the space of my mind, but somehow I manage to wake up in tears.

He didn't say much, only the words that mattered to a nine years old then, 'Let's leave together', 'take my hand and don't let go', 'I'll hold you, so you don't have to worry about getting lost again', 'sleep now, I'll not leave your side, I promise'.

I couldn't say anything, so I didn't even ask for his name, maybe because I trusted and believe he would not leave my side.

I had another fever...I was at the infirmary half unconscious, but when I finally woke, he was gone.

I was told that his guardian had come to pick him which made no sense. I thought he was like me, alone in this place. But one thing became clear, he was not like me at all. He had a family that loved and worried about him.

I couldn't remember who I was, I felt lost and my memories were in shambles each time I tried to remember, then I opened my eyes.

I woke up from my sweet-sad dream with tears streaming down the side of my face to my neck. I was crying?

Did I have that dream again? What was it about? Who was in it? The harder I tried to recall the dream I just had, the more intensified the migraine trying to explode my head was.

Like always, I couldn't recall what or who my dream was about, and as the passing of the night, it pulled my dreams along with her.

I turned to find myself on the bed surprisingly. I could at least remember that I slept on the couch last night, so how come? How was I on the bed now? Could it be Jungkook? No, it couldn't be.

For the past few nights we've been married back at home, he always slept in his study. I hated it, and it made me feel guilty each time he did that. So, why would he help me to the bed when I clearly wanted him to sleep on it comfortably by giving him his space?

While I was contemplating on how I got to the bed, the sexiest man I have ever seen walked out of the bathroom.

Jungkook was oozing of perfection as water trickles down his black silky hair that seemed to have added in length since the wedding, unto his very manly wet chest and down his stomach.

He was a wonderful sight to behold, but at the same time my cheeks were burning with excitement. I tried to turn away, or blink because my eyes were starting to burn, or even breath, but I couldn't do any of the above.

I just sat there, eyes wide open, ogling at the fine specimen in front of me. I was finally brought to reality when his eyes met with mine, I swear I would have died of embarrassment.

I mentally slapped myself for suddenly feeling so horny, and getting all kinds of crazy ideas. But most of all, I was dissapointed as to how much I wanted Jungkook not just emotionally, but also physically.

He gave that smirk of his that sends my heart beat racing pass normal, but I also knew what it meant. I was caught red-handed again, so I quickly turned my head to the other side pretending to look around the room.

For the first time since we arrived, I was able to appreciate the beauty and exquisite nature of the suite we stayed in.

"You're awake? Perfect, so what do you want to do today?" he asked me.

Wait, Am I still asleep? Of course I am, things like these are too real to be true anyway, they only happen in my dreams. I swiftly turned to see if those words really came from Jungkook, but got the shock of my life.

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