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I couldn't believe how foolish I was to have accepted to take responsibility for something I didn't do. Neither should I have rashly gone to save Mr Jeon's life— what was I thinking?

If not because of my brother, Mino, Mr Jeon would have been the one indebted to me instead.

Which makes me wonder why he would need my help. Doesn't he have like maids and butler in his penthouse? And come to think of it, he doesn't even have an assistant. Why is he such a mysterious and secretive person?

Of course, it's not like I'm complaining or anything, I really want to go to him and help tend to his injuries, and I haven't stopped thinking about him all night.

When I saw him being beaten up last night, I was so furious and wanted to make sure those thugs never walk ever again.

I even thoughtlessly went up against terrifying Jag, head of Lei. If Mr Jeon hadn't stepped in when he did, Jag would have torn me apart.

I was impressed on how he handled himself back then, and thought it was hella-hot that he ended up saving me even though I was the one who was trying to save him.

I really hope he has a plan after all these, because Zhin Feng will return his action double-fold next time and that scared me.

When I was done showering, I stood in front of my bathroom mirror wondering exactly why I was excited to get dressed at 6am, so I could go to my boss's home to become a maid or nurse for my boss?

I can't fall for Mr Jeon, it can never happen.

The deal was just for a year and I'll be done with everything— both Shanghai Group and Mr Jeon. Things will only get complicated if I start having serious feelings for him.

But I already do, and it's driving me nuts. I don't seem to be able to think straight these days whenever a matter concerns him, and if I keep going this way, I'll really get both me and my family into more trouble with Zhin Feng.

I arrived at his penthouse at exactly 7:00am, but was held up deciding whether I was too early or not. So, I waited downstairs for 30 minutes before going up the elevator to his floor.

He sure seemed surprised to see me, wasn't he expecting me?

Oh no, did I just make of fool out of myself? Was he only making a joke about me taking responsibility yesterday?

I blushed from embarrassment until;

"I didn't take you for the type who upholds agreements and takes up responsibilities, I'm impressed. Well, what are you waiting for? C'mon inside already." he politely ordered.

I smiled in relief that he was only surprised that I kept to my word after all. It's a good thing I came then, because we Kims always keep to our word.

I'll still have to report back to the office before noon, but I'm sure I'll figure out how to juggle both for the next five days.

"Good morning sir. I hope I didn't wake you up, I'm not too early, am I?" I asked nervously.

"No, you didn't, I've been up since 2am because every inch of my body hurts from my injuries." he replied, faking a cringing face.

What does he take me for, a kid? I quickly reached for my bag, got out a file and I handed it over to him.

"What's these?" He asked surprised.

"Just a little contract I drafted out for the effective furtherance of our agreement that I you need to sign." I replied.

Just because I carelessly agreed to take responsibility, doesn't mean I'll let him make me do whatever he feel like with that privilege.

So, I drafted a contract that would be able to give me some liberty also.

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