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I spotted Lisa heading down the hall towards Jungkook's room. She looked distressed and worried.

She had not being at the hospital when I arrived, so as far as it goes, I've only heard Jisoo noona's side of the story.

She said Lisa had confirmed that she had the food poisoned, but Jungkook ate it anyways hoping she was lying or joking. Jisoo noona also said Lisa didn't care this afternoon whether Jungkook lived or died.

I searched for excuses, anything that could help me believe that Lisa wouldn't go as far as to hurt Jungkook even if it's to prove a point, but I got nothing.

Whatever the reason was, she still poisoned Jungkook's food and she's the reason he's here at the hospital.

I became nervous seeing her, because Jungkook's parents had arrived few minutes ago and Jisoo noona might come out of the room at anytime. That encounter would not go well, and it would be a blood-bath if Lisa goes into Jungkook's room.

So, I intercepted her few rooms away and pulled her into an empty room. I just needed few minutes and by then, they must have gone.

Jungkook wasn't keen on seeing them, so I'm sure he'll ask them to leave very soon.

"Taehyung? What are you doing?" she asked in surprise.

"Trust me, you don't want to go into Jungkook's room right now." I said, breathing heavily.

She wasn't so easy to pull into the room and I had to struggle with her a little just to keep her in place.

"What do you mean I don't want to go inside? I need to see Jungkook, to know if he's okay or not. I've been worried sick about him." she said.

"Worried? Seriously? You are the reason he's in there and you're worried?" I blurted out unknowingly.

Shit, those words were not suppose to come out.

That's the problem with me— I keep things inside for so long and soon, nothing becomes a secret anymore. I didn't even realize I was upset and angry with Lisa until I heard myself just now.

"I know I'm the reason Jungkook is hurt, Taehyung. I never said I wasn't. Which is why I need to go in there and explain things to him before any further misunderstandings." she replied agitated.

I was agitated too. I thought she told me things, I thought she and I had a connection. But lately, there are things that she has done that just makes me wonder how true what she said at the hospital a week ago was.

"There would not have been any misunderstandings in the first place if you hadn't poisoned Jungkook. That's just not like you, Lisa. Lately you've been acting out of character in very disturbing ways that makes me feel you really need professional help." I stated coldly.

"Is that what you really think of me? You think I'm a mental case? That must be what everyone now thinks of me, right?" she questioned sadly, and I felt pity for her.

"Lisa, you tried to kill yourself a week ago, and today you tried to kill Jungkook. It would be kinda difficult to make people believe that you sanely did all that. And Seojin... she just showed everybody your Mental Health Assessment Report and it doesn't tell well of you." I stated clearly.

"That report is a lie! I'm not sick! You of all people shouldn't be standing here right now, saying all these to my face. You of all people should understand what I've been going through!" She yelled at me.

Understand? I thought I understood everything.

Ok, maybe she is being framed for her sister's death, but barely anyone can trace the death to her nor do they want to remember that issue, her mother made sure of that.

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