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"Is this some kind of plan you've made to make it look as though we were the ones who backed out of these contract? We've been waiting for your daughter for the past hour now and she is nowhere to be found. Is this part of a retaliation scheme?!" Jeon Hyeondo asked furiously, as his wife tries to pacify him.

It's been an hour and Lisa is nowhere to be found.

"She'll be here soon, I guarantee it. She's just running a bit late that's all, you should know kids these days tend to spend hours in front of the mirror on a normal day, let alone a special day like this. Just give us 15 more minutes and I promise she'll be here." Cyrene affirmed.

She had no idea where that child could be or what she could be doing.

She had left Lisa at home and rushed to the courthouse when she had realised her daughter was not ready yet, and the Jeons were almost at the courthouse.

Cyrene was never late for anything in her life and she was not going to let the Jeons get to the courthouse before her, so she left Lisa to come by herself and gave the driver instructions to bring her straight to the courthouse as soon as she was done.

The driver's number was now switched off and so was Lisa's.

If Lisa isn't at the courthouse in the next 15 minutes, then the Jeons would have all rights to pull out of the contract and she could risk losing Jeon Corp. for good.

Cyrene walked up to Jisoo who was fondling with her phone, to know if she had heard any word from Lisa.

"You were with her all day yesterday, did she say something or was she acting strange in anyway?" Cyrene asked Jisoo inquisitively.

"No ma'am, she didn't say anything to me. In fact she didn't speak a word at all yesterday. I thought she was upset about her date with Jungkook the day before, because when I asked her how it went, she just gave me a weak smile and said 'it was exactly how I pictured it to be'. Do you think maybe she got cold feet?" Jisoo concluded with a question that left Cyrene more agitated.

"Have you tried calling her?" Cyrene asked.

"Yes, but her number is not going through." Jisoo replied.

Cyrene could not help but look at Jungkook, whatever was happening now had something to do with him.

He was perfectly relaxed in a situation as this, and even though he never agreed to this marriage, if he had nothing to do with her disappearance, he would have at least been a little bit agitated and embarrassed that his bride is at the verge of standing him up on their wedding day.

But he was not. On the contrary, he was less concerned.

So she went up to him, "Why can't I shake off this arduous feeling that you have a hand in this hubbub? Where is my daughter?" Cyrene asked threateningly.

"She is not my wife yet, so why would I know where she is or what she may be doing? Maybe she doesn't want to get married to me, did you ever think of that? Humph... you know, you should listen to your daughter more often Mrs Brüschweiler," Jungkook confabulated.

"You kids think this is a joke? I would expect this from Lisa, but you? I expected more from you. You of all people should know that in other to run a company like ours, sometimes we have to put our feelings and emotions aside, and make decisions that would benefit everyone. We can't be selfish unless we want to lose all we've got. You don't have to love her, she would only be your wife and in return Jeon Corp. and BRC Inc. stocks skyrocket. But if you of all people can't understand the heights and lengths we have to go sometimes to make our companies a success, then your father made a huge mistake by putting a little kid incharge of a huge company. You think you've won? Bear one thing in mind, in the end, Jeon Corp. will fall flat and you will come running back to me for help, I promise." Cyrene concluded and walked away.

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