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Why am I this way? One moment I want Lisa to be so far away from me, so we don't even breathe the same air.

And when she is, I still find myself feeling restless and anxious, wanting to know what she might be doing at every given time.

I guess what they say it's true about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. I would rather she be close enough so I can keep an eye on her than keeping her far away.

But did I really have to say all that, I thought as I recalled my conversation with her the day before.

'I never had intentions of playing house with you, but I'm compelled to. So with that being the case, I don't think there would be any need to hold back anymore. I would play house and everything that comes and goes with it. In fact, things would go according to my rules and none of them would favor you I promise'.

Its not like I want to do anything serious with her anyway, especially since she's the last person on earth I would ever want to be close with.

My only wish is to make her live with me more miserable than I felt, which means I have to trade on all ground to achieve that, and until I do, I won't rest.

As if that wench and her mother wasn't enough, now I also have to deal with Taehyung's imprudent attitude.

Is he legit trying to get on my bad side or what? It's been almost 24 hours and I haven't been able to reach him.

There is nothing worse than what he did today, and whether he did it knowingly or unknowingly, he won't go unpunished.

I even tried calling my uncle to ask him the reason why I wasn't aware of the change of hand before now, but he is also ignoring my calls.

It's no news that he had always envied the position of the President of Jeon Corporation, a position which I owned perfectly.

He keeps looking for new ways to either sabotage or derail my efforts, but I've been a tough nut to crack even for him.

With every passing day my dominance and authority grows making it difficult for him to outrightly declare a war against me. So, even though we are family, he completely hates my guts and so do I.

He must have devices a new plan this time around, making Taehyung his ace.

Don't get me wrong, I may have treated my cousin like a minion, but that was the only way I could be wary of him.

If you grew up in a family like mine, you'd learn that life is a jungle. And if you become careless, you get eaten like a prey.

Knowing just how manipulative my uncle can be, being very close with Taehyung wasn't an option and I was right. It may have taken longer than I assumed, but it's happening eventually.

As my mind went on a survival search on ways to clip Taehyung's wings before they become incredibly strong, I couldn't help but wonder what my wife could be up to.

I mentally slapped myself in the head. Not her again, can't I just go five minutes without thinking about her?

Just as I was mentally torturing myself of how mindful I was becoming about Lisa, I felt soft slender hands slide from my back to my stomach, embracing me gently.

I was at a bar in a city I haven't been to in a very long time, and I sure as hell don't know anyone here who is close to me enough to dare touch me.

I stared at the hands with long red painted nails that circled my waist, and I could feel the slow breathing of it's owner behind my ear.

I wasn't wasted so I could tell it was a woman, so as a gentleman I slowly turned to reveal who had such guts as to give me a back hug and gently turn her down.

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