Chapter 25

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Lizzie p.o.v

As we walk along the streets, we keep an eye out for any Ravagers. Myself, Shane, and Annalise all have our guns are at the ready while Jake is carrying Vanessa on his back, Aspen was feeling dizzy, not surprising since she has a concussion so Atlas is carrying her I am surprised by how strong he is especially for his age but I suppose the love for his daughter gives him the strength he needs. After a while, we came across a group of Aggressive Alien Species Gamma aka Rollers which me and Annalise took down while Shane and Jake kept the other at a safe distance. Upon returning to the group there is a sudden noise from behind us which causes us to quickly turn and point our guns in the distance of the sound. However, we are surprised to see what caused the sound.

Jerome - wow easy we are unarmed.

Then Jerome comes out of a crumbled building with his hands up...but wait who is "we"?

Carson - Jerome?

Carson steps beside me.

Jerome - Carson? What are you doing here?

Before he could answer a woman with black hair and big brown eyes peeks her head around the corner to look at us, Jerome looks back at her and then quickly stands in front of her since we still have our guns pointing at them.

Jerome - don't hurt her please, she's my wife Jada

Wife? I didn't even know he had a wife and by the look of surprise on Carson's face neither did he, we lower our weapons.

Shane - are either one of you injured?

Jerome looks back to his wife and she comes out and takes his hand.

Jerome - no we aren't injured but what is going on?

Jake - it seems Reach has been invaded by giant bugs.

Jada - but why?

Lizzie - we don't know that but we can take you to safety.

Jerome looks at me narrowing his eyes in confusion.

Jerome - Lizzie?

I nod and Jada gives her husband a jealous look, oh my gosh really? I am not after your husband I already have someone but before I could say anything, Jerome beats me to it and reassures her that there is nothing and that I am seeing Carson, but this is the first time Jerome has seen me in my gear. Jerome and Jada join us then we get attacked by a group of Ants that came out of a tunnel exit however before we could engage the enemy we get a communication through from Adriano which means that we finally have a good enough signal so we duck into a building that's still intact before we move away from them just a little bit so none can hear us as we answer him.

Adriano - Alpha team come in, can you hear me?

Lizzie - yeah we can hear you, Adriano.

Adriano - Lizzie, thank goodness, first things first what is your status? You have been out of radio contact for some time I need your report.

Shane - the four of us are unharmed cap.

Adriano - good anything else to report?

Jake takes this one.

Jake - we have a total of 11 survivors with us, one of them being a newborn infant and 3 injured, 2 with concussions, and one with a deep gash on the left leg.

Adriano - fuck...any enemies nearby? And how much ammo have you got left

Annalise - we have taken out 2 Carriers, a group of Aggressive Alien Species Beta and Aggressive Alien Species Gamma. Our ammo is running low, and there is a small group of Aggressive Alien Species Alpha in the area.

Adriano - dam it.

He sounds annoyed with the situation we are in not to say I blame him.

Lizzie - what are our orders, Captain?

Adriano - listen carefully, I need you to get out of the city and make it to Sword Base as it's the only base still standing, Casey and Dean are trying to get a transport to come and get you but... command doesn't let anyone leaving the minute so it might take us a while.

Annalise couldn't believe it, either could the rest of us for that matter considering how far away sword base is.

Annalise - Sword Base? But that is miles away.

Jake - I don't think we have much of a choice Annalise.

We agree to head for Sword Base but Adriano, Casey, and Dean say that they will try and get to us as fast as they can. Getting back to the group we tell them that we have a plan to leave the city and of course, Enzo has to be a dick about it.

Enzo - why not just call someone to come and get us? Isn't that your job?

Carson looks over to Enzo.

Carson - are you looking for another punch?

The two of them go toe to toe and as much as I want love to see Carson punch Enzo it isn't the time for this so I go in between them and put my hands onto Carson's chest.

Lizzie - don't he's not worth it

Carson looks like he is calming down but then Enzo says something that doesn't sit well with me.

Enzo - that's right Carson listen to your whore..

Oh hell no.

Annalise - oh no...

I don't even waste time as I turn around and punch Enzo right in the face which makes him stumble backward onto his ass as he is holding his bloody broken nose. I know no one can see it but under my helmet, I am smirking that felt so fucking good to do I should have done that sooner. Enzo looks at me in disbelief.

Lizzie - who's the whore now bitch?

Enzo - you fucking bitch, I am glad I cheated on you!! You were the worst girlfriend the only thing you were good at was spending your legs for me.

Carson - you son of a bi....

Carson goes to hit him but I hold him back but before the situation could escalate Jake calms the situation down, once everything has calmed down we all set off again being careful not to get the ant's attention.

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