Chapter 5

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Lizzie p.o.v

It was now nighttime and all five of us were in one room, Jerome was still in pain so I was keeping an eye on him just in case, Carson was sitting on the other side of Jerome probably watching us both, Peters and Greg we're both standing at up looking out of the windows watching for someone or something. I noticed that Peters is still looking at me if he tries anything I won't hesitate to break his neck no questions asked. I did look around the warehouse and saw that there are some bottles of water and some dehydrated food in boxes which means this warehouse belongs to someone I just hope they don't come here and get hurt by these guys.

Carson - I never caught your name before.

I look at Carson when I hear his voice he doesn't seem to be like the other two must be just an opportunist, I do wonder why he was in prison in the first place.

Lizzie - it's Lizzie.

Is he trying to make conversation?

Carson - can I say that I am sorry about all this and just for the record I and Jerome aren't in on their plans.

Their not? Interesting wait maybe I should question him about this.

Lizzie - if you aren't one of them then why are you here?

He stands up and walks around to me as he seems to be thinking about telling me something before sighing motion to me as if he was asking to sit down on the other side of me, I nod my head yes and he plants himself down beside me.

Carson - this might sound crazy but something attacked our prison before the Covenant did it doesn't feel safe there.

That does sound weird but I've seen and heard worse things so did doesn't sound so crazy maybe I should be more information about it.

Lizzie - any idea what it was?

Carson - no I haven't but there was...something strange about it.

Lizzie - Strange how?

Interesting, we look at each other but just when he goes to tell me we hear Greg's voice which gets our attention

Greg - what the fuck?!

Carson looks over to the window where Greg and Peters are standing and both are looking out of the window then he stands up and walks over to them.

Carson - oh my God...this was exactly what happened before.

I go to stand up to see what they are all looking at but Peters quickly turns back to me and points his gun at me.

Peters - Stay, good girl.

Is he seriously treating me like a dog right now? God I want to break his neck right now I know I could since I have the training for it but I shouldn't that would blow my cover so I can't.

Greg - what the heck is going on out there?

Suddenly something or someone bangs into the door causing the men to jump and me only to flinch a little, both Greg and Peters point their guns at the door and Peters walls over to the door to open it, I hear a strange noise coming from the other side as it opens just a little bit letting some of the most thickest mist that I've ever seen in.

Lizzie - No!!! Close it!!!

Peters turns to me while Greg and Carson look at me even Jerome has woken up.

Peters - shut your mouth or I will shut it for you.

Carson suddenly pushes Peters and he hits the door.

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