Chapter 8

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Lizzie p.o.v

It is morning when I woke up, but wait where is everyone? Did they all leave? I stand up grab my energy sword which was on the ground beside me and go to check the next room where Greg and Ray should be fortunately they aren't there, which I feel relieved about. Their clothes are on the floor so they must have found clothes from the farmhouse to change into. The next room I go into is the kitchen and I find Jerome sitting at the table eating some breakfast, he looks at me when he hears me approach.

Jerome - morning.

Lizzie - morning, where is everyone else?

Jerome - Greg and Ray left just before dawn and Carson is having a shower.

Oh, so that's where Carson is? I feel relieved to know he is ok. I want to make my own breakfast so I go over to the cupboards to see what food is eatable, I found some fruit that were safe so I take them out and then pick up a knife so that I can cut them up into a fruit salad. Once I am done with the fruit I check the fridge but unfortunately it's empty but then I see a carton of orange juice on the table so I look to Jerome and ask.

Lizzie - is there any more of that?

Jerome - yeah, and don't worry it's not poisoned.

I sat my salad down and then I sit down at the table while Jerome pours me a glass and some into another glass before passing one to me. Jerome drinks from his glass showing me that it's safe to drink so after I take a sniff of the juice I take a tastes...good. We hear Carson's voice from behind me which causes me to turn only to see Carson standing there wet...with a towel at his waist...fuck I am drooling god Lizzie get it together.

Jerome - gez Carson put some clothes on.

Carson's eyes are on mine I quickly look away trying to compose myself and for some reason, I get a shiver down my spine but it doesn't feel like a bad shiver.

Carson - one minute and save me some food.

Carson goes into the other room to get changed and when I am taking a bite of my apple Jerome asks me a very good question.

Jerome - you like him don't you?

Lizzie - huh?

Jerome - it's kinda obvious, that you both do.

I don't answer and just take another drink from my glass Jerome chuckles, and after a couple of minutes, Carson comes back into the room fully clothed and sits at the table with us, well eating a thought comes into my head where did they get the clothes from?

Lizzie - hmmm guys?

They both look at me before both answer me at the same time.

Jerome/Carson - yes?

Lizzie - this might be a stupid question but where did you get the clothes?

They both look at each other before Carson answers.

Carson - come with me and I will show you.

He stands up and offers me his hand which I am hesitant to take, should I trust him? Well, I am trusted him so far and it's not like I couldn't kick his ass anyway. With the energy sword in my waistband, I take his hand and he leads me out of the room. He leads me into a room that is filled with clothes hanging up, that must have belonged to the people that lived here.

Carson - here...

He hands me a piece of paper which I read...

Lizzie - oh, this was a clothes factory and a farm.

Carson - yeah, we found it weird that the clothes were for both men and women.

Why I am not surprised that is both a factory and a farm? This is Reach after all.

Lizzie - but isn't this stealing?

Carson - I think it was a closing-down sale before they got attacked, so I doubt it.

He does have a point but I don't feel comfortable taking anything, he then shows me where he took a shower and offered for me to take one. A shower does sound like a good idea tho so I agree to take one, Carson leaves the room giving me some privacy. I go to get undressed but then I noticed that I don't have a towel so I start looking for one. Suddenly there is a knock on the door

Lizzie - yes who is it?

I feel relieved when it turns out to be Carson.

Carson - it's me I have a towel and some clothes for you.

Opening the door I see him standing there with a nicely folded towel and clothes in his hand to which he hands to me.

Carson - I will leave you to it, we will be waiting outside when your finish.

I take them from him and thank him.

Lizzie - thank you.

I close the door and check the clothes to make sure there isn't anything in them, fortunately, I don't find anything but the bottoms he gave me are too small. Which means I will have to look for a bigger pair when I am done with my shower. the shower felt so good after I was gone, I wrapped the towel around my body and dry myself before getting dressed...well half dressed. I wrap the towel around my waist and go back into the room where the clothes are, after a few minutes of searching I finally find my size in the packaging. I finally finish dressing and then pick up my energy sword before heading out to meet the guys.

After meeting the guys outside, we head back toward New Alexandria I did notice that Carson has a backpack on, no idea what is in it tho. We walked for half of the day before we stop to take a quick break, I checked Jerome's burns and changed the bandages he doesn't seem to be in pain anymore and his burns are making good healing process thanks to our new medical technology. Then after walking we come to a hilly area when suddenly the sound of guns off come from behind a hill in front of us causes us to duck down.

Jerome - what the hell was that?

Carson - could be the Covenant again?

Lizzie - probably.

I sneak up the hill to have a peek I could hear Jerome asking Carson "if I was fucking crazy", and he has "probably yeah" before following me. Looking over the hill I see...surprise, surprise it's the fucking Covenant again...wait is that my squad? Oh my God, it is them. Grabbing the energy sword I dash down the Covenant done even notice me until I have he headed two Elites which allows the rest of my team to kill the rest off. My team comes over to me but then a thought comes into my head I've just left Jerome and Carson unprotected...looking to the top of the hill I see an Elite about to attack them so I throw the energy sword at the Elite. The sword goes into the Elite's chest killing him instantly, I've always had the best aim. Carson and Jerome look surprised that the Elite was even there, Adriano our squad leader calls for them to come down since it's safe before he looks at me.

Adriano - are you ok?

I nod my head yes as Annalise hugs me and my brothers but where is Dean? Jake, Casey, and Shane are here but where is Dean?

Lizzie - yeah I am good, what took you so long?

By this time Carson and Jerome have come down and Jerome looks confused.

Jerome - how?

Carson - Lizzie is a Spartan Jerome.

Jerome's eyes widen in shock than out of nowhere Deans Pelican comes overhead and his voice could be heard.

Dean - gotta go more Covenant incoming.

All of us get onto the Pelican and Dean takes us out of there but not before we shoot down a couple of Phantoms to make sure they don't follow us.

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