Chapter 6

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Lizzie p.o.v

(A/N just a note to that I name adding "Peters's" first name into the story, Peters is actually his last name just so there is no confusion)

Must to my annoyance I had to treat Peters's wounds and it is very difficult to do, I am not even sure what that thing was that attacked us before but I am glad that it is gone. Peters kept moaning that he would hurt me if I didn't give him something for the pain. Greg comes over to me and Peters

Greg - give it a rest Ray, she is doing the best she can.

Ray? Peters looks at him in an angry but embarrassed way, I pretend that I am not listening to the conversation as I clean and dress his wounds, his skin looks like it's been sucked clean off. I've not the only one who's noticed it Carson has too as he keeps an eye on this whole he is checking on Jerome.

Peters - I've told you not to call me that in public Greg.

Greg - you're my little brother so I can call you by your name if what I want.

Wow, little brother I never saw that one coming.

Ray - half-brother remember?

Greg - yes I remember but you are still my blood so quit complaining.

Ray - ugh fine...

So those two are half brothers that would explain as to why they behave the way that they do, I worked on his wounds I managed to stop the bleeding and bandage it. Greg goes on watch and tells the rest of us to get some rest, I go behind the boxes away from them especially Ray, Peters, or whatever the fuck he wants to call himself. I did get some rest but I didn't fall to asleep then I hear a sound I know so well...the sound of a Phantom outside, I quietly get up and sneak over to the window to peek out to see. 5 Grunts, 3 Jackals and 1 Elite have just been dropped off by the Phantom.

 5 Grunts, 3 Jackals and 1 Elite have just been dropped off by the Phantom

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I look around to see that Greg, Peters, and Jerome I still asleep but Carson has woken up, before he could ask me anything I put my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet. He seems to understand and then sneaks beside me before taking a quick peek out the window then ducking down and starts whispering to me.

Carson - what the fuck are the Covenant doing here?

Lizzie - not sure nothing good probably.

I look around and I spot peters gun that he dropped and I quickly grab it checking the mag.

Lizzie - fuck only 3 bullets.

Carson looks confused at me.

Carson - do know how to use it?

Lizzie - yeah I do, stay here and stay out of sight.

Before he could respond I sneak out the back way, once I am outside I can see that the Grunts are all spread out which will make it easier for me to kill them, using my stealth training I easily go around snapping their necks as I go, the Jackals quickly notice that the Grunts are missing and fan out to look for them which makes it easier to get behind them, unfortunately, I only managed to snap to of their necks as the third one turns around and sees me so I have to shoot him in the head. unfortunately for me, that gets the attention of the elite and he has an Energy Sword in his hand.

 unfortunately for me, that gets the attention of the elite and he has an Energy Sword in his hand

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I truck the gun into the back of my jeans as we have a standoff.

Lizzie - come get me ugly.

Roaring the elite charges at me with his energy sword pointed right at me, he slashes at me but I dodge it and sucker punch him causing him to stumble backward. taking the opportunity I grab his arm and use my elbow on his forum which causes him to drop the energy sword which I am quick to grab and then shove it straight through his gut. The elite falls to the ground and I take out my gun and shoot him in the head finishing him off. I power down the energy sword and stick it in the back of my jeans then when I am turning around back to the warehouse I am shocked by seeing Carson standing behind me.

Carson -, how did you....wait are you a Spart...

I quickly cover his mouth stopping him from finishing his sentence.

Lizzie - shhh don't say it out too loudly, I don't want them to know.

He looks confused as I take my hand away from his mouth.

Carson - them? Do you mean Greg, Ray, and Jerome?

Lizzie - just Greg and Ray I don't trust them.

as I answer him I quickly pull the elite's body into the shadows, I can't trust them seeing what just did. I was surprised when Carson actually helped me move the elite which we just got into the shadows in time as Greg and Ray who is limping come out of the warehouse and are quick to spot us.

Greg - what are you two doing? And what was the gunshot?

I go to say something but Carson beats me to it and takes the gun from me.

Carson - Lizzie needed to pee so I went with her to make sure she didn't run and she screamed at a rat so I shot it.

Really? That's the best he can come up with? But it is kinda cute, wait I am developing feelings for Carson. Could happen I mean people may think that Spartans don't have feelings and have steel hearts but that's not true we do have feelings but we are just trained not to show them. Greg seems to believe Carson but Ray doesn't then Jerome joins us outside and asks a good question.

Jerome - so where do we go now?

Ray whispers something to Greg who then looks at me and the look that Ray is giving me makes me feel uneasy. Greg says something back to him and he groans in annoyance, I see his mouth move as he says the word "fine" I don't like where this is going but I know that I will have to defend myself sooner or later with him.

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