Chapter 23

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Lizzie p.o.v

We saw that transport from the hospital going down after being attacked by the Hornets just before we get watched by the Spiders, ugly-looking fuckers. I am not sure what it was but something is telling me to go and check out that crash so I tell Adriano about my gut feeling and knowing my gut feelings are 99% right divide up into two groups so one can check it out while the other continues with the mission, in one group is me, Annalise, Shane, and Jake while Dean Casey and Adriano continue with the evacuation. The four of us headed to the crash site, and of course, we had to fight bugs on the way so that slowed us down but luckily we made it there after two hours. Unfortunately, we couldn't get close as a Retiarius has made its web above the transport, myself and Annalise use our jet packs to fly up on either side of the web while Jake and Shane hid behind the building across from it but there is one thing missing....the Retiarius itself. I press my communicator so I can talk to the rest of the group.

Lizzie - Annalise can you see the Retiarius?

Annalise - negative, no sign of it.

Lizzie - Jake do you know anything about spider behavior?

Jake - why are you asking that?

Lizzie - well to be fair you did used to collect bugs as a kid.

Jake - Lizzie that was about 20 years ago.

Shane joins into the conversation.

Shane - and yet you still do it.

Jake will most definitely roll his eyes at that while the rest of us laugh a little before getting our minds back into the job.

Jake - anyway if I remember correctly spiders don't abandon their webs except in very unusual situations.

Lizzie - so where is the fucker?

Shane - let's see if there is any survivors with the Retiarius if and when it shows up.

Lizzie - ok so what's the plan?

Jake - Lizzie, you and Annalise try and get as close as you can to the transport without touching the web because if the Retiarius is nearby it will feel the vibrations through the web, while myself and Shane will keep an eye out.

Agreeing on the plan me and Annalise use our jet pack to approach the web, thanks to our training we both manage to squeeze through the holes in the web. We look for a way in then we sudden sound of a baby crying catches my attention so I follow the sound only to sound that the sound is coming from inside the transport. I slowly fly up to find the escape hatch, fortunately, I spot it quickly and gently land next to it.

Lizzie - Annalise I found the hatch help me open it.

Annalise - coming.

Annalise flies up to join me and together we start to pull it open but it's stuck tight it seems impossible to open, usually, it can be open but only if there is power but since there is any...then I get an idea that might just work.

Lizzie - I have an idea.

Annalise - what's that?

After telling her my plan we put it into action, Annalise holds the hatch so it doesn't fall inside the transport and hurt anyone that is in there, I put my fist onto the hatch and active my Armor Lock holding it for a few seconds then I deactivate and it sends out an EMP which puts enough power into the transport to open the hatch, me and Annalise open it before going inside. Our feet land in the cockpit we then see that both the pilot and the co-pilot are both dead, both of them have been impaled by the Hornet's stingers.

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