Chapter 16

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Lizzie p.o.v

As I hear the shower start in the bathroom I get some of Casey's old clothes from the cupboard in the hallway, I swear Casey buys new clothes one week, wears them then just leaves them lying around the place the funny thing is he doesn't do it when we are at the base if he did he would be in a lot of trouble. I pick out some clothes for Carson then I head back into my room just I was about to knock on the bathroom opens and I come face to face with a very wet and half-naked Carson. Don't look down...but I couldn't help but notice all his tattoos I did notice them before but not this close or so many. His body looks in good condition, well-built, with sculpted shoulders, well-defined pecs, six-pack abs, and ripped arms...very muscular anyone would believe he was a Spartan with a body like that. I bet any girl would die just to touch one muscle on his body.

Carson - Lizzie?

His voice brings me out of my thoughts and I realize I have been staring.

Lizzie - huh? Oh those are for you.

I hand him the clothes, and when he takes them from me I feel our hands touch I feel my heart speed up, come on Lizzie remember your training it's not like you haven't seen men naked before. I leave the room so he can get changed and I go into the kitchen to make something to eat, after a couple of minutes Carson comes out of the room with his already wet clothes.

Lizzie - I can put them in the dryer if you want.

Carson - yeah that would be good, thanks.

He comes over and hands me his clothes so I put them into the dryer, I look over to him as he takes a seat on one of the stools across from me, I wonder if he is hungry maybe I should ask him.

Lizzie - Carson are you hungry by any chance?

Carson nods.

Carson - yeah actually I was in the middle of my dinner when I left.

That's right he was upset when he came over and he needed to tell me something.

Lizzie - how does a Cheeseburger sound?

Carson - that sounds perfect.

I go to the food dispenser and order 2 Cheeseburgers along with 2 Colas, the order comes out within 20 seconds then I out take the trays and set them in front of us as I sit down on another stool. We are sitting there eating our burgers and I can't help but think about what could be bugging Carson, he said that he said it had something to do with Ray and Greg but no one has seen those two in weeks there is even an ongoing search for them, I am actually surprised we haven't been called for that yet.

Carson - just ask.

Lizzie - huh?

Carson - I can tell by the look on your face that you want to ask something

I swallow the content of my burger That was in my mouth before I say anything.

Lizzie - I was just thinking about what could be bother you but I know you aren't ready to tell me yet so I won't ask you anything more.

He smiles at me before finishing his burger and Cola then takes a breath and tells me something I didn't expect to hear from him.

Carson - I don't know all of the details because I couldn't listen to it anymore but while I was serving my first year my mum decided to have an affair which ended up in her getting pregnant, unfortunately, she lost the baby and my dad found out about the affair.

I am gobsmacked I never expected that when I met his family his parents seemed to be madly in love with each other but wait what does Ray and Greg have to do with it?

Lizzie - I would never think that when I met your family they seem to be madly in love but what does Ray and Greg have to do with it?

Carson - Lizzie, Greg was the one my mum was sleeping with.

What the fuck?!

Lizzie - what? Are you sure?

Carson - yeah, that's why they didn't visit me after my first year they were trying to get their relationship back on track and it does explains why Greg knew my name.

Lizzie - wow that is a lot to take in, how is Aspen taking it?

Carson - she didn't even know about it and she has locked herself in her room apparently my parents are good at hiding things, I had to get out before I said something I would regret.

He gets up and goes back over to the couch so I order two beers from the dispenser and then take both over before handing one to him.

Carson - you read my mind.

Lizzie - I figured you could use one especially after learning that.

Carson - thanks Lizzie, you are one amazing woman.

We talked for a good couple of hours about what he could and by the end, I know he will be ok he says that he will talk to his parents about it. He sent a message to his sister to check on her and to let her know that he will be there if she needs him, he remained himself about what kind of parents they’d been to him and Aspen, I suggested that he should think about how he wanted to begin a new relationship with each parent separately but he wasn't sure where to start so I said that he should start by talking to his parents and take it one day at a time. We were talking and laughing when he suddenly puts his hand on my cheek, leans in, and kisses me on the lips. His lips were warm and soft I couldn't help but kiss him back, our lips seem to fit perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. It feels like we are about to deepen the kiss when...

Annalise - holy shit...

The sound of Annalise's voice causes us to break the kiss and pull apart, I feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment but that doesn't stop her from teasing me.

Annalise - oh Lizzie, I've never seen you blush like that before.

Carson was rubbing the back of his neck as I groan in annoyance, Annalise skips down the hall to her room as she sings back to us.

Annalise - don't mind me, carry on.

Lizzie - oh God...

I am so embarrassed right now I put my head onto my hands trying to hide my red face when Carson's voice causes me to look back at him.

Carson - I actually wanted to tell you something else...for a while now actually.

Lizzie - which is?.

Carson - I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?

He likes me? I didn't think he liked me in that way, but should I give us a chance I don't wanna ruin what we have already but then again I won't know if I don't try, not to mention that I did feel a bit turned on from that kiss so maybe it will work out. Before I could give my answer however Annalise yells out from her room.

Annalise - for fuck sake Lizzie, just say yes already!!

I shake my head at her for that and I and Carson laugh before I give my answer.

Lizzie - yes, I will go on a date with you Carson.

Carson has a big smile on his face and says that he will plan something I will never forget, which I am excited about to see what he comes up with for our I guess first date.

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