Chapter 21

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Lizzie p.o.v

There are TV screens all over the city and there is one in the room that we are in so an alert comes on but before I could hear it say anything mine and my brother's phones go off at the same time so while Arthur is helping try to keep mum calm I flick my wrist and see its a message from HQ.

(HQ - all Spartans report back to base immediately)

Carson sees the message and then tells me to go and that he will go to his mum's to check on her and Aspen. I don't want to leave him but I know that I can't ignore an order from HQ and I am worried about mum now she had went into labor. I am hoping this isn't anything bad but I have the feeling in my gut is telling me otherwise. Once we will get outside and we head our separate ways me and Carson have a passionate kiss, and we promise that we will see each other again soon. Not sure why Dean brought his pelican but it was good for us that he did as when we are in the air it is easy for us to see what is going on. There are huge golden ships in the sky and pillar-like towers have crashed into the ground, at the eyes of my eye I notice that Casey seems to be thinking about something what could he be thinking about? I wonder. We land at HQ and head to the briefing room and of course, I get weird looks because I'm wearing a dress but I don't care at the minute. We enter the briefing room to see that Adriano and Annalise are here and look at us as we come in and sees what we are wearing we come in then Adriano speaks up.

Adriano - sorry for pulling you guys in from your mum's wedding

Jake - what's going on Adriano?

Adriano - there is still information coming in but I am sure you have noticed the ships and pillars.

Casey - they are kinda hard to miss.

Adriano - yeah well we have reason to believe that they may have something to do with the Covenant disappearing.

Say what now? He continues to explain.

Adriano - the information that I got from command is that...

But unfortunately doesn't get the chance as the base's alarm starts going off like crazy and Adriano tells us to "suit up" we all rush to the armory so we can put our armor on. Once we have armor on we grab our guns and just in the nick of time as we hear screams coming from the halls.


Carson p.o.v

After leaving Lizzie I rushed back to my mum's house to check on her and Aspen but once I get to the house it was wrecked and there is a giant hole right in the middle, No...mum...Aspen. I rush to the falling-down building to try and find them. I am quick to find mum who was unconscious in the falling-down kitchen I didn't see any blood so I don't think she is hurt so I try to wake her by gently shaking her.

Carson - mum, wake up, please.

She groans as she starts to wake up and when she sits up she puts one hand on her forehead.

Rosette (mum) - Carson...what happened?

Carson - I dunno I was hoping you could tell me where is Aspen.

Mum gasps as her eyes widen in shock and realization, mum then looks around then starts yelling Aspen's name as she tries to stand up but stumbles.

Carson - mum stop you might have a concussion.

Rosette (mum) - but what about Aspen? We have to find her.

Carson - I will find her, where was the last you saw her?

Rosette (mum) - upstairs in her room.

Carson - ok I will take you outside before I go up and have a look.

She went to protest but is too shaky so I help her up and help her outside before heading back in to look for my little sister, I managed to get up the broken stairs calling for Aspen when I get near the bathroom I hear her voice.

Aspen - I'm here...

Her voice was very faint but I heard it I look into the bathroom only to see the image of my sister laying down on the floor with the glass mirror on top of her, there was debris all over the place so I had to be careful where I put my foot as I made my way over to her, finally reaching her I lifted the mirror and pushed it away. Aspen groaned in discomfort and I could see that she was hurt as she had cuts all over her back, legs, and at the side of her head.

Carson - Aspen I need to move you and get you to the hospital so this may hurt.

Aspen - ok...

Her voice is weak, she must be losing blood so I gently roll her over onto her back and then pick her up she hisses with the pain.

Carson - sorry sis.

I feel bad for putting her in more pain but I can't leave her in the house with it falling down and with that big hole, as I carry her down the stairs I hear weird noises coming from deep inside of the hole, I am not the only one who hears it though.

Aspen - Carson what's that noise?....

Carson - I don't know but we need to get out of here now.

Finally, I managed to get outside where mum meets us and of course, I am dirty with mud and some blood but right now I couldn't care less. I gently put Aspen in the backseat of my car while mum gets in beside her, after I close the door I get in the driver's seat and start up the car. As we are flying I can see golden ships all over the city the weird thing is they aren't doing anything yet but just hovering above and outside of the city, I hope Lizzie will be ok I know she is a Spartan, and all but I can't help but worry about her especially when she is on missions that last days. I know that dad will probably be worrying about...fuck dad!!! Well on the way to the hospital, I called dad to let him know what has happened and that I am on the wall to the hospital with mum and Aspen, he tells me that he will meet us there.

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